Lou @Lifewithloux

May 29, 2023
What an absolute disgrace this girl is to recovered or recovering addicts and how she gives us a bad name, tarrs us with the same brush, she is not recovering or recovered because when you do you become total abstinence from any mind altering substance! The first thing I did was get off my script went into recovery and gave all I could back from the years I’ve took took took, that was helping in charity shop’s hospitals and doing local charity work because when your free from all that holds you living a normal life (dr**s) you don’t see what you’ve sucked out of society! Lou still is sucking from society with gifts, money and her daily begging! She is an addict and knows how to play the system well! There Are people who would give there hand and foot for what she’s getting, a roof over her head and benefits! I’ll hold my hands up I did wrong under the influence but the life I’ve had in the last 3 years I would not change for the world!
May 29, 2023
Also to anyone reading this that gift/help Lou don’t! You are feeding her addiction, the only time Lou will want to help herself is when she hits the lowest of lows and that’s almost deaths door! That’s what stopped me being led on my death bed, not that I’d lost my house, children family jobs nothing stopped me because I was so deep in to addiction I didn’t care my next hit or fix would keep those feelings away! But they always come back round! I’m blessed to say I now have my children back in my life and and am now working living a life I never thought I’d have.
May 11, 2023
Also to anyone reading this that gift/help Lou don’t! You are feeding her addiction, the only time Lou will want to help herself is when she hits the lowest of lows and that’s almost deaths door! That’s what stopped me being led on my death bed, not that I’d lost my house, children family jobs nothing stopped me because I was so deep in to addiction I didn’t care my next hit or fix would keep those feelings away! But they always come back round! I’m blessed to say I now have my children back in my life and and am now working living a life I never thought I’d have.
Congratulations. It’s good to read that some people do beat addiction and turn their life around. All the best 🎉
May 29, 2023
Congratulations. It’s good to read that some people do beat addiction and turn their life around. All the best 🎉
Thank you, I haven’t come here for that but it is possible it’s hard but what isn’t in life? It’s much easier living like this and not looking over my shoulder or scrapping my pennies together 🤣 but this girl has a bigger neck than a giraffe! She’s lucky to have a smart phone most addicts don’t!
May 1, 2023
why is she blaming HER mess on the people who have been working on her house like they’ve been routing through her bags of temu se and dossing about in the living room 🤣
I don’t understand how she struggles to keep a house with only her in clean. It’s not hard to put things away when you’ve used them. Wash up and most importantly put rubbish in a bin.