Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 16, 2023
Did anybody else catch her on her stories, mention Carol and the laptop?

It's on the very end of the story where she says she can't cry "because of her medication" (which is utter BULLSHIT!)

She says "Oh and Carol never got me the laptop, that was someone else" .... CAROL DID BUY HER A LAPTOP!!!!!

So there it is! We now have PROOF that she did have TWO laptops gifted to her and that she DID sell one of them!!!! Because Carol has ABSOLUTELY bought her a laptop, she has told quite a few people that she bought it with a condition attached. Lou has to SHOW Carol once a month via video chat that she still has the fing thing in her possession!

WOW! Just WOW!!!!! 🤬😡😡😡😡😡
I just went back to check and she definitely did say that!
Apr 16, 2023
Don’t to drugs kids, keep telling yourself Lou and maybe one day it might come true, you are still using! Do you forget everyone can see when your off your tits!! Wants people in her inbox to blow smoke up her arse! You have been given great advice and motivation off a lot of people and all you done was ask for money! People gave wisen up and aren’t fallen for your crap again, people can see exactly what and who you are!! IMG_7480.png
May 12, 2023
*all this is with pin-prick pupils throughout* “a need sumwun inspiring to follow or talk to”(this enrages me, you’ve had many NICE ladies who have been through recovery in your box and unless they enable and blow smoke up your fat fing arse you’re not interested), “am such a fin tramp” (yes), “dozn deserve her children” (even a smack head could see that?), “absowutely dwug fwee (lmao), “am doin ma birfday wishlist soon” (welcome back lou) AND a live tonight to open Sarah’s package cause she’s too high to remember she told us who sent it yesterday.
Slow fing clap Lou
I tried to do it with her accent but I’m not from the uk and it’s REALLY fING HARD lmaooo
May 5, 2023

She looks rougher with each week that passes by. The change in her in 18 short months is shocking ... and sad. She is THE poster girl for "don't do drugs" and "just say no". She's aged 30 years in a year & a half. She's well on her journey to ⚰ if she stays on her current path.
Apr 23, 2023
She looks rougher with each week that passes by. The change in her in 18 short months is shocking ... and sad. She is THE poster girl for "don't do drugs" and "just say no". She's aged 30 years in a year & a half. She's well on her journey to ⚰ if she stays on her current path.
Seriously where is this all going to end? She’s definitely getting more and more down and out looking, whoever her action worker is doesn’t seem to be doing a very good job! Mind you she probably totally ignores all advice given to her! Gonna bleach her hair , gonna do her skinny tan like the celeb-trees, gonna clear up, gonna do a birthday list, gonna do her feet coz they’re tell-able, gonna go live… how bout go to sleep!