Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 17, 2023
Life has been life-ing pretty hard for me the last two weeks so not been on. Opened up to 250+ pages to catch up on while I’m sat outside the barbers waiting for my son. Started reading but it’s just the usual Lou beg/cry/fall asleep/split up with Ste bullshit so I skipped the last 200 pages.
Anything new & interesting you can update me with?
The joy would be taken from you if we told you it all!!! Enjoy the read (it’s like a trashy novel)
Apr 16, 2023
They were at the clinic. He was live and read out a comment which was ‘lou was high as a kite the other night’ or words to that affect, and Lou then told the clinic workers that Ste was accusing her of being on drugs, they then asked him to leave.

Other highlights, he doesn’t think you have to have custody of your kids to be a brilliant dad, and confirmed he has 32 previous convictions.


Apr 17, 2023
They were at the clinic. He was live and read out a comment which was ‘lou was high as a kite the other night’ or words to that affect, and Lou then told the clinic workers that Ste was accusing her of being on drugs, they then asked him to leave.

Other highlights, he doesn’t think you have to have custody of your kids to be a brilliant dad, and confirmed he has 32 previous convictions.
IMG_1821.png He had 51 convictions in 2015
Jun 21, 2023
He's now outside the centre waiting for Lou. Said he feels like a t just waiting. Comments telling him to just go home. Looked like he was about to go back to his place at one point because he was 'over it'. Then went to sit down on a bench, admitting he doesn't know why he's bothering and he has enough of his own s going on with court next week.

His solicitor has told him they're hoping for a suspended sentence but it's most likely going to be jail time and he seems to be accepting that is what will happen