Lou @Lifewithloux

Stes glamdad

Aug 17, 2023
I dip in and out here as It goes way to fast for me. Lou met him this morning they are back together. Stes phone didn't break. Lou told him that as he's so popular right now, people will want to keep watching so they'll pay, we could hear and see him just fine, there is nothing wrong with it, it was just another lou beg scam. notsogrey I don't know if you're on here but on your stories when lou was crying about her ban, ste wasn't snoring and sleep talking. Ste was in fact doing a bong, then replying to lou about her ban. They've been doing them all day and during the sobbing when ste left, they were in fact texting each other back and fore. A friend of a friend works in the job centre and has witnessed lou there on occasion and although she would never say names or risk her job, I did ask if lou had been there this morning and she did a face and said must be true if its on the Internet and winked so I'm guessing she was off meeting ste. Honestly the amount of dumb people who believe it and send her money is incredible, her own mum said if they are stupid enough to send it then good on lou, she also said if lous instagram was hacked or disappeared that would be the best thing for her because she knows she's always got some fool who'll send her money or gifts. I don't like ste at all but I was very disappointed that he got back with her the vest thing everyone can do is unfollow him so he knows that he's pissed on his chips. You can still view his page he'll never go private . As for lou, all I can say is some people need tranquilising in the arse with a dart .. filled with cyanide.
If a horse broke its leg, you'd put it down. No coming back for this one, she will never ever change she will just get worse
As for ste paying her 200 a month for child maintenance for a child she no longer has, that tells you how vindictive she is and how she manipulates him, complete joke. She's clever I give her that. But mummy lauren who has Alfie, what the do are you thinking letting that baby go to that house with them pair. For God's sake woman make a clean break. M and O are happy and healthy I hear, and James knows about lou not having money for molly but ste offering to still pay. He said to a mutual friend if anyone has a screen recording of her admitting to smoking drugs, please send it on to him, it'll really help.
Can I just ask how you know ste was doing a bong last night? We never saw one xx


Sep 30, 2023
From a selfish point of view I’m delighted she’s been booted off TT as I don’t have it and now she’ll bring her car crash drama of a life back to Instagram! Mind you, half her stories yesterday were being blown about in the wind or her slurring her words so still not easy to keep up.
She’s such a simpleton 😂 “whaayyyyy do vese fings always happen ta meeeee…” - because you’re a thick as pig s lazy scrounging beggar who expects everyone to pick up the pieces of your stupid mistakes and no one wants to do that.
She’s such a victim about everything.
Hopefully VaLady will be round at some point to to tell her some home truths.

Big bertha

Aug 12, 2023
For anyone who doesn't use Tik Tok this is sobriety Jack. He is far from sober and constantly begs for TT gifts to buy Pinky G, powder and Nandos. He is due in court in January for benefit fraud after not claiming his earnings, we're talking Louis Vuitton wardrobe type earnings. He openly admits it along with not declaring his dad's death for 5 weeks so he could take a loan out in his name and going to jail for spitting in a coppers face while saying he has COVID during lockdown. He's an absolute t but I've got a million times more respect for him than Lou because he didn't abandon 3 children to do it!
I would roll through broken glass while on fire to get my kids back, but then again I would never put myself in a position to lose them in the first place. Mine are all grown adults now and they will always be my number 1 priority
These are the people she took inspiration from on tik tok 😂 she’s been feeling the fame this week by being on their lives 🤣 she went In the box with delusive angie the other night expecting sympathy for her adoption story, s herself when it wasn’t sympathy she got and quit the room 🤣🤣truth hurts and she knew she was going to be slated 🤣
Jun 9, 2023
Can’t believe she’s blaming everyone or in her words ‘some people’ for getting her a ban on tik tok and whining because it was going to be her way of making money, alright Lou… maybe you shouldn’t have smoked weed and drank on a live for the whole world to see you absolute one brain celled s knickered druggy 🤷🏼‍♀️
If she was going to make this so called tik tok income she would have done it by now but no blame everyone else for your stupidity 🤡

ste lightyear

May 2, 2023
morning all, I'm @maggers sister. I'm definitely not sar or whatever her name is, to me she's just as thick why would you give up your day and help lou after it was her who hit ste and then told lie after lie. BTW ste has never hit lou but lou has hit ste more than once. She is always smoking weed, every time she's sat there saying it's my medication its because she's stoned. She is so scummy that one time she was begging for money for food, she received money, went in her freezer and cupboards filled a carrier bag, walked the street with it saying she'd bought it, put it all back then she bought a weed and cheese chips and kebab with the money. Lous mum thinks Carol is the biggest mug of all, even lou laughs about Carol. Carol has a nickname off lou she calls her "my broker" She'll say on the phone to her mum "I'll have to ask my broker" Carol if you read here, you once thought you were paying for lous food, when in fact lou payed for Christmas presents for lous mum.
Apr 21, 2023
morning all, I'm @maggers sister. I'm definitely not sar or whatever her name is, to me she's just as thick why would you give up your day and help lou after it was her who hit ste and then told lie after lie. BTW ste has never hit lou but lou has hit ste more than once. She is always smoking weed, every time she's sat there saying it's my medication its because she's stoned. She is so scummy that one time she was begging for money for food, she received money, went in her freezer and cupboards filled a carrier bag, walked the street with it saying she'd bought it, put it all back then she bought a weed and cheese chips and kebab with the money. Lous mum thinks Carol is the biggest mug of all, even lou laughs about Carol. Carol has a nickname off lou she calls her "my broker" She'll say on the phone to her mum "I'll have to ask my broker" Carol if you read here, you once thought you were paying for lous food, when in fact lou payed for Christmas presents for lous mum.
Ive put a wow emoji but I’m not even the least bit surprised 🤣


Jul 15, 2023
Wet Wang
These ppl who r sending her wishlist are just as crackers as her. A friend of a friend knows her and said she's sold a couple of "bits and bobs" (I now detest that saying) and she did receive 2 laptops and sold 1 for £120 She said that she was sent a wadge of money on wed. Let the fools keep wastinh momey on the sket
This is maggers
May 7, 2023
I dip in and out here as It goes way to fast for me. Lou met him this morning they are back together. Stes phone didn't break. Lou told him that as he's so popular right now, people will want to keep watching so they'll pay, we could hear and see him just fine, there is nothing wrong with it, it was just another lou beg scam. notsogrey I don't know if you're on here but on your stories when lou was crying about her ban, ste wasn't snoring and sleep talking. Ste was in fact doing a bong, then replying to lou about her ban. They've been doing them all day and during the sobbing when ste left, they were in fact texting each other back and fore. A friend of a friend works in the job centre and has witnessed lou there on occasion and although she would never say names or risk her job, I did ask if lou had been there this morning and she did a face and said must be true if its on the Internet and winked so I'm guessing she was off meeting ste. Honestly the amount of dumb people who believe it and send her money is incredible, her own mum said if they are stupid enough to send it then good on lou, she also said if lous instagram was hacked or disappeared that would be the best thing for her because she knows she's always got some fool who'll send her money or gifts. I don't like ste at all but I was very disappointed that he got back with her the vest thing everyone can do is unfollow him so he knows that he's pissed on his chips. You can still view his page he'll never go private . As for lou, all I can say is some people need tranquilising in the arse with a dart .. filled with cyanide.
If a horse broke its leg, you'd put it down. No coming back for this one, she will never ever change she will just get worse
As for ste paying her 200 a month for child maintenance for a child she no longer has, that tells you how vindictive she is and how she manipulates him, complete joke. She's clever I give her that. But mummy lauren who has Alfie, what the do are you thinking letting that baby go to that house with them pair. For God's sake woman make a clean break. M and O are happy and healthy I hear, and James knows about lou not having money for molly but ste offering to still pay. He said to a mutual friend if anyone has a screen recording of her admitting to smoking drugs, please send it on to him, it'll really help.

Big bertha

Aug 12, 2023
her TikTok ban is for 30 days so she says( she probably to high/drunk to remember)

ste is back in court on 1st November so he’s going inside before her ban is up.

the Instagram begs are going to be epic this month!!!
She wanted people to get in the box with her and tell her what they think is the problem with her!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

i really wish that she had been able to know how to get the boxes as it would have been as epic as the fight night on big brother season5!!
Wants to be a tik tok creator to earn a few quid but doesn’t know how to open the boxes 🤣🤣 thick as s 😆unless they are lying or begging they sure know how to do that