Lou @Lifewithloux

Aug 16, 2023
Come to think of it, for a massive over sharer I don’t think I’ve once heard her moan or mention having a period? ☕👀
I said a while back I feel like it might be another "surprise" pregnancy. I'm sticking to that. And wouldn't be shocked.

Especially after she said she can't afford knickers....
She never begs for sanitary products. There's none on view in her bathroom when she's shown in there.

Don't blame me if she now starts begging for money for towels btw 🙈


Apr 27, 2023
She went from locking him in the house so he couldn't escape before she woke up to rambling on for 10 minutes about farting when she was in nursery and the teacher had to evacuate all the children because it was so bad and how when she farts in a shop she has to do a tap dance to disguise the noise, to suddenly jumping up and giving us a dance performance 😂. She was then asking the philippino woman who was in her battle about her none existany b&b and saying she could come to her bungalow and be her wife. The woman ended up crying in the end because she was so happy that she was on with people from other countries. Then she spent 15 minutes getting alexa to set about 50 alarms from 6;30 am, to set police sirens for 7 and asking her to remind ste about the tenner from 7:30 and to repeat it every 1 minute 🙈💀. To be fair that's the most entertaining she's been on tik tok, and I'm now regretting my life choices for staying awake so late. I feel as drowsy as lou this morning 😭. Going to treat myself to a nice roast and lots of coffee instead of choc choc and red bull though 🤦‍♀️
Apr 30, 2023
Where the do have her mate Sarah and carol,been hiding while she’s been doing her begging all this time.

all of a sudden Sarah is helping her and that not USA carol is giving her support(whilst telling the world the real reason she can’t see her eldest 2).

if i Saw someone I knew online was like Lou I would be straight round telling them to sort themselves out.
That's exactly what l thought. She's been in her life all these years, so she couldn't have been that concerned or she would have helped her long before now.

Carol just wanted her 15 minutes of fame with Lou's followers to show she knew her personally 🙄
May 11, 2023
Quality is awful because I've had to compress the video 3 times to get it to upload but here's a part of it for those who missed the madness
For as long as i have a hole in my arse i will not understand tiktok - what are those people doing with their time?!

There's a photo of a bloke on a hill, a bewildered looking fella doing do all, a chirpy lady with red hair dancing and singing and Lou doing the fing hokey cokey.
Then, I'm sure Lou takes the piss out of the lady from the Philippines by using a lazy stereotype and telling her she needs a (Philippono) wife?
That poor woman said she was honoured to be on a live in the UK - WTAF

There's soooooo much to process here 😅🤯
I'm too old for this s 🤣
May 23, 2023
For as long as i have a hole in my arse i will not understand tiktok - what are those people doing with their time?!

There's a photo of a bloke on a hill, a bewildered looking fella doing do all, a chirpy lady with red hair dancing and singing and Lou doing the fing hokey cokey.
Then, I'm sure Lou takes the piss out of the lady from the Philippines by using a lazy stereotype and telling her she needs a (Philippono) wife?
That poor woman said she was honoured to be on a live in the UK - WTAF

There's soooooo much to process here 😅🤯
I'm too old for this s 🤣
I’ve been thinking that about TikTok, it’s such a weird platform. I like going on there for information be it current affairs, cooking etc. but the people like Lou, KK and CLA amaze me, like what the do are you doing with your life??? 😭😭😭
P.s you might see me on your fyp one day doing a viral dance with my nieces but it would only be because I’ve been forced to! 🤣🤣
Apr 30, 2023
For as long as i have a hole in my arse i will not understand tiktok - what are those people doing with their time?!

There's a photo of a bloke on a hill, a bewildered looking fella doing do all, a chirpy lady with red hair dancing and singing and Lou doing the fing hokey cokey.
Then, I'm sure Lou takes the piss out of the lady from the Philippines by using a lazy stereotype and telling her she needs a (Philippono) wife?
That poor woman said she was honoured to be on a live in the UK - WTAF

There's soooooo much to process here 😅🤯
I'm too old for this s 🤣
I hate TikTok. I only follow her and stud muffin Ste 😂

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Quality is awful because I've had to compress the video 3 times to get it to upload but here's a part of it for those who missed the madness
Thank you for getting that. I watched it live and was hysterically laughing and glad I could relive that moment again. Every single thing about that was fecking hilarious.