Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 16, 2023
Well I suppose that depends on what you already know. I know her from college, but I'm also friends with her ex, and used to be friends with Ste before he became a crack head.

Where to start? I guess everyone knows about how she accused her ex of battering her when he didn't and tried and tried again to ruin his reputation and his life, luckily for him there were plenty of videos showing how she was off the rails and on drugs so he could get custody of the kids. She had to do a drugs test, which she obviously failed. But the didn't write her off completely, they gave her the chance to get clean, and if she could pass a couple more tests then she would be able to get access to the kids. She failed those too.

During the time of their breakup she got donations and furniture for 2 houses, but all the furniture magically disappeared (probably to buy more drugs). During this time she started dating Ste because they moved into the same building. I can't go into specifics, but someone I know died in Ste's flat, and they moved the body to another flat before the police arrived. I mean, wtaf right?

After that Lou moved into another place near some other people I know. By this point she was pregnant by Ste and even though she was pregnant she was drinking and smoking and doing drugs. She wasn't even hiding it, she could have done it out the back of her house but she literally sat and drank and smoked on the front step where everyone could see. She was also trying to do the guy I who lived near her, even though he lived there with his long term fiancé, and she was with Ste. She was sending his videos of her touching herself etc. She followed that guys fiancé around the supermarket whilst mumbling to herself, she was off her head and I guess she thought that she couldn't see her even though she was literally following close behind her. She also kicked off with the fiancé and was calling her every name under the sun and wanted to fight her because she couldn't do the guy, I feel sorry for Ste massively.

Anyway like I said she was off it on drugs and they kept telling her that if she stopped taking the drugs then she could keep the baby, but she continued the entire time, which is why baby was taken away straight away after birth. Poor little bub probably had serious issues relating to drugs and alcohol.

I would put the reason why I argued with her, but if she read it she would know who I was straight away.

She poured water over my friends laptop then pretended it was an accident.

She got fed up the arse in a cemetery while her kids were left alone in the house.

There's far too much to even remember tbh she goes mental and starts telling stories, think she even believes her own lies sometimes. She literally lies and then contradicts herself in the next breath.

I mean even just on her most recent stories, in one clip she said that she destroyed the house looking for money, then in the next clip she says someone went through all her bags when she was asleep... was she fing sleepwalking or what?

Honestly there's so much that had happened that I haven't written here so as I remember stuff I will just update.

I mean…Jesus Christ 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ leaving the kids home alone is bad enough, but to leave them to get taken up the ster in a cemetery is rock bottom!


May 3, 2023
I can't go into specifics, but someone I know died in Ste's flat, and they moved the body to another flat before the police arrived. I mean, wtaf right?
Been out of redcar a long time, but was this [removed]? Always seemed like something was up with that.

Either way. @DummyThicc seems legit, some of those details check out.
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May 11, 2023
Well I suppose that depends on what you already know. I know her from college, but I'm also friends with her ex, and used to be friends with Ste before he became a crack head.

Where to start? I guess everyone knows about how she accused her ex of battering her when he didn't and tried and tried again to ruin his reputation and his life, luckily for him there were plenty of videos showing how she was off the rails and on drugs so he could get custody of the kids. She had to do a drugs test, which she obviously failed. But the didn't write her off completely, they gave her the chance to get clean, and if she could pass a couple more tests then she would be able to get access to the kids. She failed those too.

During the time of their breakup she got donations and furniture for 2 houses, but all the furniture magically disappeared (probably to buy more drugs). During this time she started dating Ste because they moved into the same building. I can't go into specifics, but someone I know died in Ste's flat, and they moved the body to another flat before the police arrived. I mean, wtaf right?

After that Lou moved into another place near some other people I know. By this point she was pregnant by Ste and even though she was pregnant she was drinking and smoking and doing drugs. She wasn't even hiding it, she could have done it out the back of her house but she literally sat and drank and smoked on the front step where everyone could see. She was also trying to do the guy I who lived near her, even though he lived there with his long term fiancé, and she was with Ste. She was sending his videos of her touching herself etc. She followed that guys fiancé around the supermarket whilst mumbling to herself, she was off her head and I guess she thought that she couldn't see her even though she was literally following close behind her. She also kicked off with the fiancé and was calling her every name under the sun and wanted to fight her because she couldn't do the guy, I feel sorry for Ste massively.

Anyway like I said she was off it on drugs and they kept telling her that if she stopped taking the drugs then she could keep the baby, but she continued the entire time, which is why baby was taken away straight away after birth. Poor little bub probably had serious issues relating to drugs and alcohol.

I would put the reason why I argued with her, but if she read it she would know who I was straight away.

She poured water over my friends laptop then pretended it was an accident.

She got fed up the arse in a cemetery while her kids were left alone in the house.

There's far too much to even remember tbh she goes mental and starts telling stories, think she even believes her own lies sometimes. She literally lies and then contradicts herself in the next breath.

I mean even just on her most recent stories, in one clip she said that she destroyed the house looking for money, then in the next clip she says someone went through all her bags when she was asleep... was she fing sleepwalking or what?

Honestly there's so much that had happened that I haven't written here so as I remember stuff I will just update.
This all sounds outrageous, but comes as absolutely no surprise when it comes to Lou. She's a fing rotter. She deserves the gutter.
Apr 29, 2023
Well I suppose that depends on what you already know. I know her from college, but I'm also friends with her ex, and used to be friends with Ste before he became a crack head.

Where to start? I guess everyone knows about how she accused her ex of battering her when he didn't and tried and tried again to ruin his reputation and his life, luckily for him there were plenty of videos showing how she was off the rails and on drugs so he could get custody of the kids. She had to do a drugs test, which she obviously failed. But the didn't write her off completely, they gave her the chance to get clean, and if she could pass a couple more tests then she would be able to get access to the kids. She failed those too.

During the time of their breakup she got donations and furniture for 2 houses, but all the furniture magically disappeared (probably to buy more drugs). During this time she started dating Ste because they moved into the same building. I can't go into specifics, but someone I know died in Ste's flat, and they moved the body to another flat before the police arrived. I mean, wtaf right?

After that Lou moved into another place near some other people I know. By this point she was pregnant by Ste and even though she was pregnant she was drinking and smoking and doing drugs. She wasn't even hiding it, she could have done it out the back of her house but she literally sat and drank and smoked on the front step where everyone could see. She was also trying to do the guy I who lived near her, even though he lived there with his long term fiancé, and she was with Ste. She was sending his videos of her touching herself etc. She followed that guys fiancé around the supermarket whilst mumbling to herself, she was off her head and I guess she thought that she couldn't see her even though she was literally following close behind her. She also kicked off with the fiancé and was calling her every name under the sun and wanted to fight her because she couldn't do the guy, I feel sorry for Ste massively.

Anyway like I said she was off it on drugs and they kept telling her that if she stopped taking the drugs then she could keep the baby, but she continued the entire time, which is why baby was taken away straight away after birth. Poor little bub probably had serious issues relating to drugs and alcohol.

I would put the reason why I argued with her, but if she read it she would know who I was straight away.

She poured water over my friends laptop then pretended it was an accident.

She got fed up the arse in a cemetery while her kids were left alone in the house.

There's far too much to even remember tbh she goes mental and starts telling stories, think she even believes her own lies sometimes. She literally lies and then contradicts herself in the next breath.

I mean even just on her most recent stories, in one clip she said that she destroyed the house looking for money, then in the next clip she says someone went through all her bags when she was asleep... was she fing sleepwalking or what?

Honestly there's so much that had happened that I haven't written here so as I remember stuff I will just update.
Do you think Ste is now being controlled by her somewhat?
In my opinion he does seem more honest than her and has made some attempt to change?
Apr 17, 2023
You slutz being horrified about Lou being fed up the arse in a graveyard but no one has yet mentioned about them MOVING A DEAD BODY?!
Did they really though!!! Are they that clever to think oh “Dave” is dead in the corner,I know let’s move him to “bobs”flat!!!!!

graveyard arse fing I can believe

dead body removal I cannot believe
Apr 30, 2023
You slutz being horrified about Lou being fed up the arse in a graveyard but no one has yet mentioned about them MOVING A DEAD BODY?!
I'm curious about the body part. I watch too many crime channels so l want to know if the police knew?. And, is this the body of Steve's friend that both of them mentioned a couple of times?.


May 3, 2023
Did they really though!!! Are they that clever to think oh “Dave” is dead in the corner,I know let’s move him to “bobs”flat!!!!!

graveyard arse fing I can believe

dead body removal I cannot believe
The dead body thing is more common than you'd think. I knww someone it happened to as well - started to OD, moved him out of the flat so the ambulance wouldn't bring the police. Could have been saved if the junkies had been less bothered about protecting their stash. Disgusting.