Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 17, 2023
I’m not saying what she said was wrong. It’s exactly how I feel about Lou and I imagine so do most people.

The difference is, while FWO is putting it on a live, she’s then messaging Lou telling her she WILL get the kids back one day, she’s got this, never give up etc. She constantly says everyone hates her because Lou likes her and she’s the only genuine friend to Lou. Genuine friends don’t do that people.
I get that about FWO and her doing a video etc…. I guess I am doing the same but in a different way. I encourage her (not a lot) in ther lives yet sit on here and rip her a new one.
Apr 16, 2023
I get that about FWO and her doing a video etc…. I guess I am doing the same but in a different way. I encourage her (not a lot) in ther lives yet sit on here and rip her a new one.
I think the difference is that people like you and I, have never gone out of our way to get to know Lou off any app, if that makes sense. Not build an actual friendship.

I don’t know, it’s just weird behaviour in my opinion. I would be so upset if someone I called a friend was doing that to me.
Apr 17, 2023
I think the difference is that people like you and I, have never gone out of our way to get to know Lou off any app, if that makes sense. Not build an actual friendship.

I don’t know, it’s just weird behaviour in my opinion. I would be so upset if someone I called a friend was doing that to me.
It is weird behaviour I agree. TikTok does that to people. It’s just a place to chat to other people and I just don’t get the drama of who’s talking to who and bla bla bla!!!

lou is some one who thinks that everyone is her friend and they are not.

are the people that are now in her boxes and comments on here slagging her off ?
Apr 30, 2023
I think the difference is that people like you and I, have never gone out of our way to get to know Lou off any app, if that makes sense. Not build an actual friendship.

I don’t know, it’s just weird behaviour in my opinion. I would be so upset if someone I called a friend was doing that to me.
I think this is where a lot of these influencers, ticktock'ers etc...go wrong. These people aren't friends no matter how long they've conversed with each other, because they don't know the real you.
Apr 16, 2023
It is weird behaviour I agree. TikTok does that to people. It’s just a place to chat to other people and I just don’t get the drama of who’s talking to who and bla bla bla!!!

lou is some one who thinks that everyone is her friend and they are not.

are the people that are now in her boxes and comments on here slagging her off ?
I dont think MM is. I used to think she was but she is adamant she isn’t. if I was her, with the way Lou has been treating her recently, I would be on here in full force.
Aug 29, 2023
Ffs, the state of that! 🤣
After getting up early she fell back asleep. What a lazy bag she is.
It's actually a blessing for her children that she has no contact. Kids are so cruel nowadays, and can you imagine the stick her kids would get for Lou turning up to a parents evening 🙈 she really can't see what we all see. She thinks people are trolling her but in reality everyone can see what a s show her life has become and some are genuinely trying to guide her but Lou takes offence cos she thinks she's doing a grand job of pulling the wool over everyone's eyes that she's in 'recovawee'

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
She is using Chelsea lee art words and saying so watch out for more of that behaviour coming soon, she is very much a camelleon she will change herself to match what she is watching/around, she tried coping alot of people so this is just her new phase! I can't stand cla she is rude and a complete actress always wants drama and lives in a fantasy world, she says things just for the attention 🙄 lou needs to find herself no keep following/coping others.
I know she will never be earning as much as her but she see her doing it and getting the gifts attention as she wants the same
Aug 29, 2023
The fing freezer story is making a comeback 😂 😂 I actually can't cope with her bullshit. She left her freezer open and she needs to check if the meat has defrosted. SHE WILL NEVER CHANGE! She can't help herself. Plenty of money for taxis and McDonald's though. Once a beg always a beg
Has she said her freezer defrosted before? I don't know what difference it makes if the stuffs ruined or not cos she was never going to cook it anyway. Apart from the pan of pasta she made, I don't think I have ever seen her cook a meal in the bungalou. I have seen Ste make things but not Lou. She had takeaway Saturday and again today...she showed her freezer the other night and it was rammed full of food that she probably was never going to use cos she's too lazy to cook it.
Jun 9, 2023
Lou does my tits in I swear no wonder she has no fwends, she just always looks like she needs a good scrubbing with a Brillo pad.. she’ll never get her kids back they’ll grow up happy and she will just rot in her cannabis smelling bungalou whilst limping around on her non existent ‘sore leg’ she’s one hell of a smeggy b, no wonder she only has half eyebrows, the rest of em probs slid off her greasy face 🤷🏼