Lou @Lifewithloux

May 29, 2023
When will people realise Lou is NO different to the homeless person on the street?? OH that’s right because she has her crack den roof over her head? Ah right so that makes it ok. Gotcha! No just no! Her begging tactics are I mean amazing! Even Better than mine (EX RECOVERING ADDICT) as you never know when this illness might grip you again! 1 day at a time, tomorrow is never promised!! I missed out here when I was on the streets! Yes I’ve lost it all…….. car, items,kids,family,friends,money,my home and most importantly MYSELF, my dignity the list could go on! Tik tok seems the best place to be for begging! Why is it because Lou is living in a crack den that she isn’t an addict? She has the same traits as me. I’ll tell you why because you aren’t stepping over her on a cold floor in your town!! Because that is what a druggie looks like, Lou’s smart I’ll give her that. She can manipulate people like the working girl I was! Have you over in minutes, those funding are killing her. A very dear working girl that I called my sister lost this illness like many others was the most beautiful girl, looks hair I actually fell out with her because of it soon then lost everything she was like Lou huge couldn’t breath didn’t stop her, ulcers amputated leg you name it then she eventually ended up 6 ft under. This is an illness we all have we are all addicted to something right? Coffee, sweets savoury tv food phone you name it, but with a real addict you give them just 1 and they crave more and more, then the mental obsession starts… and that’s where we as addicts loose it! The gates of death!!! If anyone reading her wants to help Lou take her to the 12 steps “of hevean” meetings. It has given me my life back and if not more!!! Stop just stop feeding her habit with her sob stories!!!!!!