Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 19, 2024
As she said she's 30, after reading all that she sounds like she's fkn 10 grow the fk up Lou and wants an apology 🤣 wtf does she think she is
Makes me laugh when she calls people middle aged or old. The oldest of ‘the lovelies’ is 40-odd and the youngest is in their late 20s.

She’s 30 and is incapable of doing the most basic day to day jobs like having a wash every day.
Aug 29, 2023
I dread to think how she will react when we have our next night out 😂
It only pisses her off that you had a night out because she sits alone in that filthy bungalou day after day, night after night alone with only 2 cats for company...that if she let out would probably do one aswell. Even Ste seems to be staying away. Anyone else you would feel sorry but not her. She's had chances at having a family, friends and blown them due to her actions. She could go and better herself but is too lazy to put in any effort. Nobody to blame but herself for the way her life is now.
Jun 21, 2023
I'm not seeing how someone telling Lou they didn't invite her because they didn't think she could afford it is rude or offensive in this case. Her entire schtick revolves around being skint, not being able to afford the basics, constantly needing to borrow 20 quid, PayPals and wishlists.
It would be pretty poor form to be asking them for money all this time then suddenly be able to afford a night out, splashing cash after one of them had send a take away to her house the week before or something.
Apr 19, 2024
It only pisses her off that you had a night out because she sits alone in that filthy bungalou day after day, night after night alone with only 2 cats for company...that if she let out would probably do one aswell. Even Ste seems to be staying away. Anyone else you would feel sorry but not her. She's had chances at having a family, friends and blown them due to her actions. She could go and better herself but is too lazy to put in any effort. Nobody to blame but herself for the way her life is now.

She’s only managed to do 2 weeks of her makaton course and said she’s not doing it anymore.

That just says it all about her really

Sammy J

New member
Apr 2, 2024
United kingdom
Oh Lou, us lovelies have done a lot for you and all you do and always do is s on us over and over again, sending MM the worst things possible especially when she’s done so much for you and always been there for you.. and constantly going on about NC and Clair, well no more, you’ve just over stepped the mark this time for real. It’s just the boy who cries wolf with you all the time. No more will us lovelies bless you with your amazing presence. I hope you enjoy your s lives without us but keep our names out of your fing mouth 🫡🖕🏼😘


May 3, 2023

Some pics might be out of order…forgive me but it’s hard keeping track 😂

That first message "I've been on the phone to professionals at 5am this morning nearly being sectioned". How does that work then, you just just dial your local CMHT and it's "press 1 if this is an actual issue, press 2 if this is tiktok drama and you're feeling excwuded"?

Honestly so many services are at breaking point, and she's clogging them like she clogs her arteries. Just take a little bit of responsibility for your own life ffs and you can move forward.