Lou @Lifewithloux


Apr 12, 2023
After what I’ve heard tonight on blue skies live I just wanted to post a gentle reminder for those who might consider “lending” Lou money. She’s got form for being rubbish at paying back. It’s really really not worth the hassle 😩


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Aug 29, 2023
Imagine slagging MM off along with the lovelies and then writing I apologised and sent you my wishlist. Who in their right mind sends a wishlist alongside an apology. It just looks like Lou wants to 'be friends' with MM for what she can get. Talk about taking advantage of someones kindness. Lou has no interest in an actual genuine friendship. She knows MM has been good to her and helped her out in the past and that's what she's missing. She deserves to be alone when she treats people the way she does. Screenshot_20240531_021023_TikTok.jpg
Aug 29, 2023
After what I’ve heard tonight on blue skies live I just wanted to post a gentle reminder for those who might consider “lending” Lou money. She’s got form for being rubbish at paying back. It’s really really not worth the hassle 😩
What an embarrassment 😳 One day her children will be old enough to be on social media and will find out their mother is known as Beggy Lou or Loubeg. She has absolutely no shame or self respect. I honestly don't know how she can not feel embarrassed at the constant begging she does. If it's not her coming live with her poor me sob stories hinting for money, she's going on about wishlists or her PayPal. Unlike her people work hard for their money and why would they want to give it to Lou when all she does is sit about all day complaining about her life that she only has herself to blame for.
May 7, 2024
Imagine slagging MM off along with the lovelies and then writing I apologised and sent you my wishlist. Who in their right mind sends a wishlist alongside an apology. It just looks like Lou wants to 'be friends' with MM for what she can get. Talk about taking advantage of someones kindness. Lou has no interest in an actual genuine friendship. She knows MM has been good to her and helped her out in the past and that's what she's missing. She deserves to be alone when she treats people the way she does. Screenshot_20240531_021023_TikTok.jpg
Imagine threatening to report someone to social services and to contact their workplace, spread slanderous lies over SM about them and have the cheek to ask them to send you something off your wish list just like that. Lou you are fing delusional mate 🤣🤣
Apr 19, 2024
After what I’ve heard tonight on blue skies live I just wanted to post a gentle reminder for those who might consider “lending” Lou money. She’s got form for being rubbish at paying back. It’s really really not worth the hassle 😩

The change in her physical is amazing. This wasn’t that long ago was it(the previous accommodation)? The amount of weight she has piled on is shocking really
Apr 15, 2024
Imagine slagging MM off along with the lovelies and then writing I apologised and sent you my wishlist. Who in their right mind sends a wishlist alongside an apology. It just looks like Lou wants to 'be friends' with MM for what she can get. Talk about taking advantage of someones kindness. Lou has no interest in an actual genuine friendship. She knows MM has been good to her and helped her out in the past and that's what she's missing. She deserves to be alone when she treats people the way she does. Screenshot_20240531_021023_TikTok.jpg
Same reason she latched on to that Carol, who gave her everything, only wants to know people who send gifts and money


May 21, 2024
Blueskies and Clair were amazing in Canadian angies live. For those who missed it awareness was raised and lou is blocked
Thankyou hun it's all a bit of a blur 🤣🤣🤣 how do u explain that much sty behaviour into a 5 minute box lol.
But gotta say a huge thankyou to everyone for all the support, u guys are amazing!!!!!! Hopefully I can go back to hiding up a corner now lol
Sep 6, 2023
Thankyou hun it's all a bit of a blur 🤣🤣🤣 how do u explain that much sty behaviour into a 5 minute box lol.
But gotta say a huge thankyou to everyone for all the support, u guys are amazing!!!!!! Hopefully I can go back to hiding up a corner now lol
U mean u don't want to be an influencer now after the limelight? You can hold debates on what it was like to be abused by your stalker 🤣
Aug 29, 2023
She's made another video with that cup she bought and tagged EQ again. If Lou thinks EQ would ever associate with her she's mental. EQ was saying how she hates a dirty house and Lou went very quiet in the comments 🤣 EQ will have her in her lives because its bumps up her viewers but has anyone ever seen her join one of Lous lives or comment on her videos...NO! Embarrassing how desperately Lou tries to get these big creators attention.
3 words for Lou...never gonna happen 🤣


Mar 31, 2024
Wanna talk about my kids lou??? My kids who live under my roof, not under the care of social services and are currently loving life in their chosen clubs abroad that my husband and I paid for with money we have made from working our daily jobs! If I want to raise awareness about your sty behaviour while lay on a sun lounger with a beer I will!

While we are talking about each others kids would you like me to send you the photos of yours on a caravan holiday with their family a few weeks ago?

Come at me again b