Megan Hetherington @chronicallyillmeg


New member
Jun 16, 2024
Stumbled across this person on TikTok and wondering if anyone else smells a rat. Her account is @chronicallyillmeg.

Meg claims she has Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and has had four strokes, a heart attack and a pulmonary embolism as a result. Says she has had two open heart surgeries. She says she got diagnosed with "end stage heart failure and high pulmonary artery pressures" in May 2023... but here she still is.

Anyway, it seems she's seeking a third open heart surgery, saying "without this surgery I will die as a result of the severe tricuspid stenosis I have."

Recently, she's said: "On the 8th July 2024 I seeked my final opinion from an NHS surgeon in London on whether or not he’d personally offer me surgery, he agreed I need the surgery urgently as my life is severely impacted by the heart valve disease but his waiting lists were too long on the NHS to offer me it due to the fact I cannot wait that long".

This was her FOURTH (or even fifth, she can't seem to remember funnily enough) "second" opinion. She's saying on TikTok her disease is so rare they don't know the prognosis but for another type of stenosis (aortic I think she said) untreated was 2 years. So she's going off that, but is also saying she has legit 3 months to live lol.

She has two fundraisers up, one is a "bucket list": Megan’s bucket list

And a gofundme for "life saving open heart surgery": Donate to Funding for Megan to get her life saving open heart surgery, organized by Megan Mitchell

I don't know about you guys, but if someone needed emergency open heart surgery and their prognosis was 3 months, I don't think NHS waiting lists (she's claiming 12-18 months) would factor into it. And if she's had 4 or 5 "second" opinions... something's not right. With all the BS from James Horton Kofoed recently I don't believe anything she's saying, and she's taken about £2,000 off people who believe she is on the verge of death from her two fundraisers combined. What do we think?


Jun 3, 2024
I haven't seen who u r talking about but there s a girl called Kirsten Cunningham and she has been faking seizures and so on for a long time and is getting worse every day


New member
Jun 16, 2024
Boosting so more people see this thread. She’s now raised £15,000 and is refusing to provide any sort of proof the NHS won’t do the surgery. Waiting lists would mean nothing if you needed emergency life saving surgery. I’ve reported her GFM, if anyone has a moment please do the same because it’s so obviously a scam.


New member
Jun 16, 2024

She’s posted a long video begging going on about her “terminal” illness that the NHS won’t give her because of the waiting list… yet went to see Stormzy a couple of days ago just fine?? People are so thick, can’t believe they’re falling for this utter tripe


New member
Jun 16, 2024
So Meg hit her £55k funding goal but has now sneakily pushed it up to £65k… after saying the surgery was £45k. What a scammer.