I don't think she trusts him.The truth always comes out in the end. Andrew Byrne cheated on Melissa!!! That'll be why he's never allowed out with his mates without Big Mel in tow! Why he's so emasculated by her, why he buys her flowers like it's the final act of his week. Why she controls everything, why she takes him to work & picks him up like a 5 year old who isn't safe to be let out alone! Because he clearly isn't! Wonder how many plates got broken when Mel found out she'd been cheated on!
The forced kissing, the flowers and her repetitive reminders that they sleep together are very insecure actions.
"I managed to keep my wandering dick away from other women this week and I've spent some of my own money on flowers to prove it"
He's never seemingly allowed any down time with his mates. He couldn't even have a few hours fishing in Whitby without her rocking up.