Nanna Bea @Nannabea


Mar 19, 2024
What the heck is going on with her chest? I've got fifteen years on this creature and can honestly say that my chest doesn't look like last Christmas's used crepe paper. I've never seen anyone in their middle sixties look so old and wrinkled, made worse by her dreadful dress sense. Even when she dresses up in her best gear she still looks a total wreck but I suppose you can't make a silk purse out of sow's ear and a fat sow she honestly is. I don't like her one little bit, can you guess.


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My name is

Mar 8, 2024
What the heck is going on with her chest? I've got fifteen years on this creature and can honestly say that my chest doesn't look like last Christmas's used crepe paper. I've never seen anyone in their middle sixties look so old and wrinkled, made worse by her dreadful dress sense. Even when she dresses up in her best gear she still looks a total wreck but I suppose you can't make a silk purse out of sow's ear and a fat sow she honestly is. I don't like her one little bit, can you guess.
She didn’t use sun cream on the cruise that’s the result


Mar 19, 2024
I’m late to the party on this one but a TikTok popped on my feed the other day and her and her husband had just had sex!!!!!!! 🤢🤢🤢
STOP! I just sicked up into my mouth. 🤮 But, in Grandpa's Dave’s case, he doesn’t have to look at the fireplace when he stokes the fire, probably would prefer to do a bung hole in a barrel when desperate after shagging the easy Bev and landing her in the teenage pudding club. the only lay the desperate slapper could get. Poor Dave has really paid the price for sowing his wild oats into that gargoyle.


Mar 19, 2024
Just caught up with the latest Thursday clean. The perfect (in her own deluded mind) Nannabea is actually a fat idle fraud having to tidy up discarded clothing draped over the sofa and kicked off shoes left where they've remained since last sunday. For three days the skank has done nothing, happily living in her own s. But, in her defence, the filth and dog hair lying on her floors is clean before she decides to vacuum it up as Nanna doesn't sweep or vac before mopping. Is she honestly of sound mind? .... and don't get me started on the washing machine detergent pods. The stupid woman loads her machine and then throws in a pod on top but when advised by a follower that it should be in first she claps back saying that it makes no difference on a one hour cycle. It does, you thick-headed stupid bint, the wash cycle has nothing to do with it, if you want bits of pod undissolved and stuck to your washing then carry on as you were because you, as usual, know best. She's the epitome of Keighley's version of Waynetta Slob. Slobbing around all day in her PJs with no understanding of something called SELF RESPECT. I'm thankful that I actually DO give a s.


Jul 3, 2024
I've just watched her of her videos she was talking about how she couldn't imagine people of 20, 30 etc losing their parents! Maybe she needs to be more mindful of that when she's being a first class b and telling people to go hug their mothers, I'm sure she has feckin dementia the vile poisoned dwarf!
She's absolutely vile. She keeps coming up on my FYP 😡. She really thinks she is something important. She looks more like a lesbian, a common one at that. Don't get me started on the 'Krankies' look-like! I am sick of hearing how important her family is to her and showing off her grandkids. It's funny Bev, how you forgot to mention a grandson u disowned. Her son disowned his own son ( her grandson) but u know..' she loves her family'. Disgusting. All her sad followers won't know this though. Also, she used to say everything she earns off TT goes to charity yet states its her first mode of income. No one should be giving her the time of day. Nothing but an old drunk.
Mar 14, 2024
West Yorkshire
Hello Nanna fans, newbie here and coincidentally I'm from Nanna Town.
I know you're all gonna ask the question, so the answer is....No, I haven't bonked our world famous in her own mind celebrity who's finest moment was appearing on the game show Blankety Blank and in honour of the show's title, scored a complete blank.
She was a thick as 🐖💩 on blankety blank, again embarrassing herself, her life is one big embarrassment