Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

Mar 25, 2024
How long did it take you Sabrina to go through all my posts nice to know I’m so important 😊ok Sabrina I know your a wee bit thick but as I’ve said before I don’t watch your every move just like anyone else in the park if I happen to see them leave their house I see them or if the police was out I would see that too like anyone would. You aren’t that special you weirdo. People over have shared way more info than me so what’s the obsession? Do you think you know who I am and that’s why you will try to target me? Don’t even bother I don’t play games you attention seeking drama queen. Turning into a right Martha aren’t you? 😂😂😂


May 19, 2024
northern ireland
Comical that yous think I’m Sabrina I’ve stated several times I’m not Sabrina I was commenting whilst Sabrina was live on TikTok last night so how does that make sense lol. Get a grip look at yous all getting your sick thrill every time she posts a video running straight to this page to report back anyways it’s a lovely day today off to spend it with my family yous enjoy your day sitting refreshing your feeds every second waiting for the poor woman to post you sad sad bullies
I thought you weren’t coming on anymore? You’re well suited for Sabrina then with your complicated relationship with being truthful. Good luck to your family though as I’m sure it won’t be a lovely day for them if you’re around🤣🤣🤣
May 6, 2024
Comical that yous think I’m Sabrina I’ve stated several times I’m not Sabrina I was commenting whilst Sabrina was live on TikTok last night so how does that make sense lol. Get a grip look at yous all getting your sick thrill every time she posts a video running straight to this page to report back anyways it’s a lovely day today off to spend it with my family yous enjoy your day sitting refreshing your feeds every second waiting for the poor woman to post you sad sad bullies
How many times are you going say you’ve better things to do than come to this site? Yet here you are AGAIN! Do us all a favour and piss off.
May 6, 2024
Comical that yous think I’m Sabrina I’ve stated several times I’m not Sabrina I was commenting whilst Sabrina was live on TikTok last night so how does that make sense lol. Get a grip look at yous all getting your sick thrill every time she posts a video running straight to this page to report back anyways it’s a lovely day today off to spend it with my family yous enjoy your day sitting refreshing your feeds every second waiting for the poor woman to post you sad sad bullies
May 6, 2024
Comical that yous think I’m Sabrina I’ve stated several times I’m not Sabrina I was commenting whilst Sabrina was live on TikTok last night so how does that make sense lol. Get a grip look at yous all getting your sick thrill every time she posts a video running straight to this page to report back anyways it’s a lovely day today off to spend it with my family yous enjoy your day sitting refreshing your feeds every second waiting for the poor woman to post you sad sad bullies
I but,Sabrina has 2 phones,and an I pod,so any thing is possible, with that one...!!

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Hope you are ok though. I know your anxiety is maybe through the roof at her even singleing you out and only focusing on your comments. It’s like she’s determined in these msgs. She completely gave herself away when she made the videos STILL rambling in about you and your comments. She’s not even so bothered at the other , much worse stuff we’ve all been saying 😂 mind you, it’s all the truth. I just don’t want the silly t going round all her neighbours doors hounding them, or trying to annoy neighbours ‘with kids’ coz she knows yours are traumatised by her. I know I wouldn’t want that face & big mouth coming at me. She’d be out with the jammies and sliders and stomping about so much she’d be tripping over them 😂

Stay away from our friend crazy gal
Yeah I’m fine I just think it weird how my comments where singled out as there is much worse said about her by others and she never passed comment on them at all it makes me think they know who I am or they are guessing who I am. I’m not worried if she comes near me I’ll do a Sabrina I’ll ring the police on her for harassment 😂 I can just imagine her coming stomping over to me ranting away. There’s one other person who lives here too and she hasn’t commented on that.