Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan


May 17, 2024
northen ireland
Broadcasting about SH over a public platform! Trigger warning or not! That will show up on the for you page and what young person will think oh that’s a trigger warning I better scroll past! That is vile behaviour from a 44 year old woman and triggering for a lot of people who suffer mental illness! No Sabrina the scars are not a trophy for you to show and be proud of! Whoever thinks that is ok needs to have a serious word with themselves.

derry girl123

May 28, 2024
I actually liked that resin making video, have I gone crazy??🤪🤣 it just makes a nice change from the rants and roaring and shouting. If she did something like that more often, even just for demo purposes it would give her something more positive to do & get her away from that other carry on
I agree like the rose bears then she was making the frames with the words and now the wee bears that she can turn into key rings then the wee random act of kindness bags give her something to do and probly takes her minds off things and make herself a couple pound


Jun 1, 2024
It’s not about the he said/she said behaviour on here, or a competition of who said the worst things.. it’s most likely the fact the said person was watching her from her home, reporting back to here with her every move, personal information such as ambulance police being there etc. maybes this should be a lesson not to act so smart and online bully people , as truth comes out in the end. All laughing at Sabrina’s expense for weeks now yet now all in a frenzy because yous are being caught out.
Oh do off you probably are Sabrina
I'm new here. Hi everyone 😊 Was reading my magazine Take a Break Fate and Fortune and she's in it. It's this months copy. Nice wee £150 for her story about jamie visiting her in spirit.
No way! What an absolute beg if people can't see through her bullshit now they're beyond help like her
May 6, 2024
Have yous heard yourselves.. speaking to me vile now too for voicing my opinion. Says a lot about yous as people, you can disagree with someone and not have to speak to them like dirt.
You’re coming in here knowing we have issues with Sabrina and her behaviour. What do you hope to achieve? There’s no point in coming here defending her so save your energy.
Jun 15, 2024
In Sabrina world,God only knows,I don't no what she one about must b a tablet or something.
I have got the blame,on here today,gor things r names,I didn't say.
My name is not Sharon
Oh stop acting all innocent you know what you done,you might not have given her name but you give every other detail about that woman.
May 6, 2024
I think the same.
Of course sheis,she will soon crash.
Oh stop acting all innocent you know what you done,you might not have given her name but you give every other detail about that woman. Sharon mcC
Think wat u want,my name is not sharon mc c,b very careful, you are so far out,sure didn't u say my hubby is a pedo??Well,now and I said wad in jail,who is telling the truth?
Jun 15, 2024
Yeah,that all I done, was voice my opinion, they went clean mad at me all day,if they don't want private things known don't put on social media simple
You really can't see what you done wrong,
Have yous heard yourselves.. speaking to me vile now too for voicing my opinion. Says a lot about yous as people, you can disagree with someone and not have to speak to them like dirt.
Show me where anyone had said anything vile to you.