Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

Jul 6, 2024
United Kingdom
What's your tiktok name
It’s in the screenshots adventureswithmyreborns I don’t even care if she plasters me round the app she can all she likes I’ve an amazing community who will back me up on everything I’m not vile towards her in the slightest way and never have been I’ve been more than kind to the woman but she turned on me not the other way round
Mar 23, 2024
northern ireland
Tiktok when you use it properly is an amazing app I’ve made friends with loads of people from around the globe and honestly wouldn’t be here for the positive friendships I’m glad for the app but I never ever would be nasty about anyone
I know you from tik tok and the reborns I was also told not to follow you or be friendly with you online I believed her :(
Jul 6, 2024
United Kingdom
I know you from tik tok and the reborns I was also told not to follow you or be friendly with you online I believed her :(
Believe what you want I’m not who she says I am I’m anything but that I keep myself out of drama myself to myself Netflix and bbc have signed me for a documentary I’m represented by an agency on there and Ive support on and off the app there’s no pages about me or what I’m doing


Jun 8, 2023
Makes me incredibly sad because it’s just not true

This is one of the places you never need worry about being believed over anything she has done or said🥰. The one thing we all share in common is our disdain of how she conducts herself. She is an afront to every community she has tried to infiltrate, the reborn community, SH, DV, angel mums....I could go on, OR I could overuse "etc etc etc" like a certain someone :LOL:
Please dont ever be sad over any of it
She is a vile specimen
Mar 23, 2024
northern ireland
Believe what you want I’m not who she says I am I’m anything but that I keep myself out of drama myself to myself Netflix and bbc have signed me for a documentary I’m represented by an agency on there and Ive support on and off the app there’s no pages about me or what I’m doing
I said I believed her but that was at the time I wasn’t saying I believe it now i formed my own opinion fairly quickly especially once the lies where found out I don’t see any of the negativity on your page that’s on hers but she’s a danger she can make people believe her so easily I’m glad you have continued to be yourself and congrats
On the documentary
May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
I said I believed her but that was at the time I wasn’t saying I believe it now i formed my own opinion fairly quickly especially once the lies where found out I don’t see any of the negativity on your page that’s on hers but she’s a danger she can make people believe her so easily I’m glad you have continued to be yourself and congrats
On the documentary
Did someone else not come on here one time saying they had a documentary coming out soon? That Sabrina owed money to for a reborn or something?
May 6, 2024
Did someone else not come on here one time saying they had a documentary coming out soon? That Sabrina owed money to for a reborn or something?
I remember someone saying she owed them money for a reborn and that she very nasty to that person.
Shes a disgrace the way she treats people. She falls out with everyone, it’s pretty obvious to see that she is the issue.

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
I remember someone saying she owed them money for a reborn and that she very nasty to that person.
Shes a disgrace the way she treats people. She falls out with everyone, it’s pretty obvious to see that she is the issue.
that’s what needs to happen she needs publicly outed for everything she has done on people especially the slander and stealing. Knowing her she would still be the victim though 😂