Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 6, 2024
Now I wonder how does Sabrina know sue lives in Lisburn. It’s been mentioned here of location. “I don’t look on the dirt site” yeah yeah yeah and I’m the Virgin Mary
She stalked sues socials and her daughters too no doubt and has seen Lisburn.
Putting someone else’s kids up is a new level, police need contacted about that. People’s kids are nothing to do with this site 😡


May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
She stalked sues socials and her daughters too no doubt and has seen Lisburn.
Putting someone else’s kids up is a new level, police need contacted about that. People’s kids are nothing to do with this site 😡
Don’t think she quite realises that Lisburn isn’t that far from omagh. 1 hour it takes me. And when I do go back to green hill to visit MY family members there I’ll be taking as many photos as I like. Wonder if she wants me to call round for a chat. She may have my city but I know her full address.
Aug 18, 2024
Its laughable because you know her reasoning will be they put up pictures of my son but as discussed here already it could have been anyone and most people here do not agree with it. And if she even tries to compare someones child to a picture of a grave 🙄 is there nobody with a bit of sense around her? I know she fell out with the sister but she seemed like she would tell her whats what.


May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
She honestly thinks if she shouts the loudest she is in the right. But she’s only one side to a story. Most people want to hear the other side of it.
The photos of the grave were put up by me as I was in green hill for my own reasons. I was informing you all what I’d found. Not one of us laughed or placed emojis under the pictures. All I did was state where I was. She doesn’t own omagh or green hill. I wonder if she’s smart enough to realise it was me who took the photos and who was sitting outside McDonald’s watching her leer at those boys. Well if she mentions it we will know she’s been on here again.


May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
The way she goes on about genders and their likes and dislikes does my head in, oh for the girl everything has to be pink and princess and Disney. Cop on it’s 2024
Are we sure these children are real? Also what if they are allergic to cats. The cat hair all over the bed and walking on the stuff. Then again if the children are real the stuff won’t get sent. She does these videos for attention and look at me so kind but never actually follows through. That Rox thing has been offered to so many children but is still there. Sounds like she’s trying to boost her kind me persona
May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
Aine tried to friend request me on TikTok fb and instagram. Plus Sabrina already admitted that she has all the photos saved from my TikTok. To avoid suspicion on herself she’s sent them to aine.
I still can’t get over people taking screenshots of UNDERAGE LIVE children and sharing it on a public platform. Imagine having images of other peoples wanes on your phone. If it was a man I wonder how serious it would be treated