Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
The boys in the white coat need to flipping lift her. Watched one of her videos thought lien piece of s “I swear on Jamie and Logan’s life I never put that picture up” Iv it on my TikTok proving you so did upload Charlene’s kid to the internet. You absolute dingbat!
The police should have taken her and held her overnight seeing she’s such a risk they couldn’t wait to get away 😳 now she’ll fight with the ambulance crew

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
When did she get the stitches 😂 the video was up before the ambulance was out
Are they still there, the ambulance.
no it’s gone I don’t know if she went or not as I didn’t even looking out she now has a video up saying she has stitches the video went up before the ambulance they need to keep her and take her phone for a few months
Mar 25, 2024
She’s now a vid from the hospital, and then another from home with her 17 stitches or hereabouts
She reiterated the stash of pills to end her life so I can’t see it being true coz if she really wanted to do it she would without saying anything. She’s looking on someone reporting it on so it looks like her plans were scuppered, not that she had no intention of doing it. Or else she will ring ambulance and then take the pills so she knows someone’s coming !
She’s absolutely off her rocker. How can she swear on Jamie and Logan’s life? They don’t have one.
And about Charlene, what she said went too far. I understand she felt provoked but still not right, and neither is Sabrina’s response . Why is she so obsessed about that picture of the green door? Does shakin Steven’s live there???

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
She’s now a vid from the hospital, and then another from home with her 17 stitches or hereabouts
She reiterated the stash of pills to end her life so I can’t see it being true coz if she really wanted to do it she would without saying anything. She’s looking on someone reporting it on so it looks like her plans were scuppered, not that she had no intention of doing it. Or else she will ring ambulance and then take the pills so she knows someone’s coming !
She’s absolutely off her rocker. How can she swear on Jamie and Logan’s life? They don’t have one.
And about Charlene, what she said went too far. I understand she felt provoked but still not right, and neither is Sabrina’s response . Why is she so obsessed about that picture of the green door? Does shakin Steven’s live there???
I’m confused she put the video of the stitches up before the ambulance so unless she went to omagh got stitches went home and someone else rang an ambulance she lied there is a video up of her showing Charlene’s son saying god love him he looks like his mother

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Just seeing the video of her at omagh hospital out of hours, her ranting into a phone how have the staff not intervened with that type of behaviour. And waiting on a taxi she’s only around the corner fresh air walk would do no harm. 10 minutes walk
She’s flippin mad I wonder did they make her go to Enniskillen after she’ll be raging that someone rang them after she went out to the hospital

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Where’s your proof?
I never put no pictures up of that cub.
Here’s your proof Sabrina, iv just covered the video of the child’s face. But if anyone wants the full video I have it

Just admit you done wrong and move on

Shes well caught out 😳 she’ll still deny it. She’s such an asshole so she got a taxi to omagh hospital then came home and made a video blaming us and someone rang the police and ambulance on her she would have loved that


Jun 15, 2024
northern ireland
There is one thing I have just noticed and if she just admits what she done then people will believe her on the rest.
1) she made a video using her other phone to expose Charlene by scrolling on her Facebook and showing all the images of the boys face. So she made the first public outing of the child being exposed over the internet, there is a part on her video she mentioned it’s in the public domain so she’s not doing anything wrong if it’s already out there. Ok fair point, same as how she has sold her pictures to the newspaper which gives her no rights to the pictures as they now are public pictures for anyone to take.
Damian is the person who put the picture on the internet again it’s who’s behind the account is the tricky situation but I’m sure if Sabrina is really wanting to go down the route of denying things he says she says tit for tat the police CAN or if someone really knew there computer stuff could get the IP address easily.
But the point of the matter is Sabrina was the first to make that child be exposed to the followers and whatever happened after is out of her control.

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
There is one thing I have just noticed and if she just admits what she done then people will believe her on the rest.
1) she made a video using her other phone to expose Charlene by scrolling on her Facebook and showing all the images of the boys face. So she made the first public outing of the child being exposed over the internet, there is a part on her video she mentioned it’s in the public domain so she’s not doing anything wrong if it’s already out there. Ok fair point, same as how she has sold her pictures to the newspaper which gives her no rights to the pictures as they now are public pictures for anyone to take.
Damian is the person who put the picture on the internet again it’s who’s behind the account is the tricky situation but I’m sure if Sabrina is really wanting to go down the route of denying things he says she says tit for tat the police CAN or if someone really knew there computer stuff could get the IP address easily.
But the point of the matter is Sabrina was the first to make that child be exposed to the followers and whatever happened after is out of her control.
She will do anything to avoid accepting responsibility 😳 she was caught out sharing a child’s photo so she sh and said she was suicidal so why get stitches if she is suicidal? Like why bother. I can understand why people eventually give up arguing with her as she will go to an lengths to get her own way and she convinces people that we have said all that stuff about Jamie and Logan rush we are basically slagging them and laughing at them. To be that manipulating is a skill and she’s dangerous to others I hope the ambulance did take her tonight but I highly doubt it


May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
I still firmly believe she is behind the 0kidsmum account she needed a reason to go mad and have everyone feel sorry for her. She posted and said things about my daughter and I did get police involved. I don’t feel guilty as I knew she would pull something like this to take the bad look of her self. She can carry on everyone knows what she is like and no one believes her. She’s wasted even more resources on a cut. She didn’t get stitches. They have put a bandage on and she’s made a run for it. Why else wait outside in the cold for a taxi if not to avoid the mental health team. The hospital have tried to help and she won’t take it then that’s on her. She can’t cry and fake self harm or threaten sucicide to get the world to do what she wants it doesn’t work like that.
So does plan B not happen now the pictures are down. Convenient that. She thinks if she cries the loudest everyone will believe her. The other accounts post the other side of her stories and she can’t stand that because she can’t control the narrative. To laugh and call anyone who can’t conceive naturally not a real woman is disgusting. Charlene has admitted she had cancer that’s why she needed help. What is wrong with Sabrina is she can’t top that so she does with pretend suicide. And then blames everyone else on it. Very easy to delete TikTok if she can’t hack it.

pink lass

Jul 30, 2024
So while my sleepers kicked in it looks like I missed a eventful night🥴 this arm and bandage is gonna get alit of airtime over the next few days she would go out and do a video of her picking a flower just to make sure she gets that arm in. The ambulance may of came back out because she mentioned having tablets at home but it's ppl like her that have our NHS at its knees. Now I don't know about omagh hospital but did someone say before it has no docs and only treats minor injuries ?


May 28, 2024
If she got off her fat hole got a job maybe she could of afford IVF years ago. I don't agree with comment about baby J char made but to hurt others who go with ivf is disgusting. Baby Jamie is innocent I've not seen anyone on here talk bad about him.
I might be a b but I have a gut feeling casy Ann was Charlene I've not seen her comment in a long time she did say some of the lowest stuff on here. But I'm not saying it is her just a feeling. Anyway have a good day everyone I'm off to work to help sabby pay off toy master debt for the spurts and plastic xo