Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 6, 2024
Without going into detail she’s about 😳 as loud as ever
God help you all living there, it must be so unsettling. She was the one giving off there not that long ago cause neighbours were playing music to loud that she could hear it from inside her house, and she ranting and raving the whole time heard all around the park. It’s ok for her to be as loud as she wants when she wants but not for others

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
God help you all living there, it must be so unsettling. She was the one giving off there not that long ago cause neighbours were playing music to loud that she could hear it from inside her house, and she ranting and raving the whole time heard all around the park. It’s ok for her to be as loud as she wants when she wants but not for others
Irs very unsettling as she’s so unstable you never know what is coming next. I’ve never heard any loud music apart from a child’s birthday party which is one a year 😳 she’s the only I hear apart from other normal noise of kids playing and people driving in and out
May 6, 2024
Irs very unsettling as she’s so unstable you never know what is coming next. I’ve never heard any loud music apart from a child’s birthday party which is one a year 😳 she’s the only I hear apart from other normal noise of kids playing and people driving in and out
She did a video a few months back with lovely hot weather and she was going off on one cause some neighbour was out playing music

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
She’s got no self awareness does she, if she lived next door to me, I wouldn’t be long having words with her. Does she not realise the neighbours might have kids! And I’m not talking about the invisible kind 🥴
Not one bit would she care who she annoys or bothers sure she thinks she’s entitled to do what she wants 😳