Well your one to chat about bullies, I really felt sorry for you over what sabrina was doing to you, but over the past few days you have brought a poor woman's name into all this that had nothing to do with anything, do you realise that that woman you mentioned has severe mental health problems and coming from someone that reckons she's being bullied herself and has mental health problems then you would know what it's like and have a bit more understanding. You didn't like it when your name was mentioned on here and tiktok but you decided to do the same to someone who never leaves her house or wouldn't say boo to anyone,I just also want to confirm that she her or sabrina do not speak and weren't behind any videos, now if this keeps up she'll have no option to take it further and I'm sure you don't want to be bothered with all that again. And furthermore it was not her that leaked information about your ex or his brother, she doesn't even know where he lives. That's all I'm saying on the matter, I suggest if you have a problem with Sharon you contact her and sort it out between yourselves
If you go back and read the posts you will see I didn’t name you first someone else did so why are you commenting on my post? Ahh that’s right ik seen as an easy target. I know it’s you and so do others because you didn’t hide your tracks as well as you thought and left your photo on one of your comments. No one would have cared who you were if you hadn’t come for me and sue after pretending to be our friend to start with then you set up a fake account to give me and sue abuse and bringing my ex into it but I’m sure Craig has kept him filled in with what’s going on it was also you who mouthed to Sabrina about my ex so don’t dare come at me about anything I’m not the one setting up fake accounts giving abuse to people I pretended to be friends with. And severe mh issues yeah right I could say more but I won’t and you’ll notice I didn’t but if you think you are going to start on me I will say everything I know from your kids to other offences so I suggest you go and re read these posts before you come at me and wise up because we know it’s you. And yes take it further then I’ve your comments saved the ones where you said no wonder my ex hit me, are you seriously looking sympathy or a soft spot from me away and do of and we both know why you don’t leave the house would you like me to share? And you know where Robert lives he used to live in your park and he talks to Craig all the time. You made the mistake of coming for me when you had no need to. So I suggest you leave it with your empty threats and wise up.