Who you talking to you mess?! off you do sugartits and don’t tag me in your se again.@youknowwhatimean @youknowwhatimsaying have you anything to say for yourself now?
Who you talking to you mess?! off you do sugartits and don’t tag me in your se again.@youknowwhatimean @youknowwhatimsaying have you anything to say for yourself now?
Calm your baps was a miscommunication of tag. Was meant for someone else but they deleted the account. But thanks for the sugar tits comment.Who you talking to you mess?! off you do sugartits and don’t tag me in your se again.
Well I lasted about 5 mins of explaining and then said ach she is just a dickwab attention seeking narcissistic woman. Resumed my work. Aint got time for explaining the s show. The end.I bet that was a fun conversation to have I had a friend say something similar to me because she assumed me being an angel mum we'd be on the same side of tiktok, while she was right I was just like girl get the kettle on and let's go through her videos together and you tell me what is normal about sabrina
I think she’s forgetting she does have a choice she could start looking for work and stop claiming benefits simple as that - benefits are there for people that need them, she no longer needs them. She says about working for 10 years and having earned it. A friend of mine was made redundant during covid and had to sign on and get benefits and she hated it she felt like she shouldn’t have been although it was just to tide her over between jobs within a 3 or 4 months she had a new job. Sabrina is ripping the piss out of it, she’d rather sit playing with dolls and setting up a pretend diner waking up in the afternoon because she’s wrecked from sitting up on TikTok all hours of the night posting se. She needs a reality check"do I ask to be on benefits? eh no"
So they just fling money at her?
Are the government just coming and shoving it through the letterbox against her will?
Did anyone see the gift from termo and his comment, said it was for Jamie with a skeleton emoji and she called the boys and said someone got you a gift
She got it on sale (surprise surprise) from Argos. Think it was £45 or something like that. She keeps it in the kitchen beside the tableCan someone tell me where the diner came from? And is it in her bedroom? Why does she have a diner?
How can she say she needs the pram to walk when it takes more pressure to push the pram than to walk unaided. She is also only using one hand. How come she doesn’t need the pram to fly up to the mums house. She walks at some speed and has never fell or stumbled.Saying these things about us all whilst she’s plodding about the town with a dolly in a pram she took off free cycle which could have done a new mum with a REAL child.
Who is the diner for? Why buy it? do me I give up. Like me buying it when my kids are grown adults. I just don't get it. I'm too invested on buying botox and nailsCan someone tell me where the diner came from? And is it in her bedroom? Why does she have a diner?
She claims it’s for the cousins and the twins. The twins don’t be near her anymore or in that house. They were forced to go pick up birthday presents before Christmas. They took and went. Her cousins two kids aren’t allowed near her after she exposed her arm to them. And Jodie is too old and Tyler isn’t allowed in the house. So literally it’s all an excuse to play with toys. £45 for that and she goes on the beg for presents for the mother. She’s known for years her 70th is coming up. She could have saved up and got her an extra special gift but know she gets her load of tat and crap. Not to mention the canvas of imaginary children. Not avrils tho Sabrina’s Imaginary children. No wonder the mother asked for her own canvas of her own son to be brought up. Thick Sabrina didn’t even think to get a new one made.Who is the diner for? Why buy it? do me I give up. Like me buying it when my kids are grown adults. I just don't get it. I'm too invested on buying botox and nails