Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 2, 2024
And there we have it. The real reason Lisa was there. To help this useless b drain the hot tub they never use. As I thought, the whole thing was pre-planned and nothing to do with “cheering her up”. She just paints these narratives to manipulate the audience to feel sorry for her and tell her “everyone deserves a break”, “you have awesome friends” etc. To make herself feel special - that she has friends who make it a priority to cheer her up 🙄 Never mind her husband who doesn’t seem to give two ss about the ghoul.
Mar 2, 2024
Her followers are dumber than she is. If that’s even possible. When has Ela being in school stopped Sevda from a vacation?! fing joke.

They love to mouth off without even having any of their facts straight. She is pulling the brat out of school. To go to Cyprus!

Mar 2, 2024
The turkey haul or whatever is ridiculous. For one, she bought f'ing haribo as a gift for someone last time she was there, so they can surely buy their own haribo?! Plus of course it's just the food, not the other items, because she isn't interested in things she can't eat. And gets a dig in about the mother in law too. Brilliant. Who cares what tea that poor* woman prefers, leave her alone! *poor for being blasted by her daughter in law on social media repeatedly, I'm not referring to finances...

In the insta friends story, Bobby was filming and Ela didn't like that so went to get another phone to film as well, and the evils she gave Bobby! Spoilt brat. That behaviour isn't cute, isn't just kids being kids, that is a red flag. At least Bobby speaks and acts his age, but Sevda is about to remove her child from school yet again to go somewhere she's never bothered to go before to visit family she's never been interested in visiting before, so why MUST she go now during term time?

Also my final thing to say. Who assembles burgers that way? No wonder it all fell off. Same with the cheese and crackers. Why not put everyone on the one side and put the top on like a normal person? Has she always done this or us this new behaviour, and if new... who is she copying this time? 🤔


May 6, 2024
Of course she’s hungover or still drunk. Stop lying BEGDA.
The fact she is saying all the below statements in a manic voice …spell loud and clear you don’t want your followers to think you have a hangover Sevda! You sound a complete idiot. Plus your half shut heavy ball sack eyes throughout most of the video signify something!!

“ I’ve been up early”
“I’ve put washing on”
“I went to bed at 10pm”
“I’ve got a busy day guyzz”
“I’ve cleared the garden”
“I had a few rum & cokes and then a burger”
“I haven’t got a hangover”
“My friend has a hangover”
“My friend said to me this morning… ‘You’ve definitely not got a hangover Sev’”

Sevda. You were drunk. You looked as rough as hell (still do). You said you were drunk. You were like a teenage drunk… videoing all evening and showing drinks in one hand and your other terrible claw like hand pointing up in the air whilst trying to dance. Your burger making video showed how drunk you were. You quoted on the video you were drunk. Your child saw you drunken and knew you were.
So why are you hell bent on proving or lying that are not hungover?!
Too late! The damage has been royally broadcasted by yourself and your teenage videos.


May 6, 2024
She's definitely hungover you can tell from her eyes!! Just won't admit it because of the backlash she got last time for driving with a hangover which she is doing again today just to show she's ok.
I agree, she can’t keep those ugly ball sack eyes hardly open in the breakfast video 😴 Half shut most of the time. And that breakfast looked disgustingly grim 🤮🤮🤮 I forgot about her driving early the next day after one of her other drunken night’s…yes, that’ll be why she’s hell bent trying to convince people she’s not hungover today. Her manic talk just proves she’s desperate to convince. Not worked Sevda!
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May 23, 2024
If looks could kill. Little gremlin.
Growing up exactly like her mother. The child has no manners whatsover unless it is that rehearsed cwap she practices before Begda does a EWM. This wice is soo yummy Mummy, thank you so much for the 45 chicken wings, cutting off my cwusts, opening my cwisps and taking the top off my fwuit shoot.

Say what you like about Munster but her kids are streets ahead of Ewa, they can speak, engage, have manners, open packets, pierce things with a stawaw, say thank you etc.

In other word Sev is an absolutely s mother. She is also a s wife/dawter/ fwiend. EVERYTHING she does is for her own gain, she does business, not kindness and she makes me sick.


May 8, 2024
I know some people will argue that her child is only in primary school and still early years BUT, ontop of her child missing a s load of school, is Sevda not embarrassed to be taking her kid out multiple times in the year for weeks at a time in term time? Like, does she not feel the embarrassment when talking to people about it?
I have only ever taken my son out for one day (high school) and the GUILT I felt! Oh my goodness, I can’t even explain!!
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May 6, 2024
She’s obsessed with TikTok. It’s really getting to her. “To all my insta family” f…off you child. It’s the reason she gets pissed as her cocky side comes out. All she thinks is jealousy- yep you live on a council estate & I wouldn’t ever show that atrocious house makeover with random furniture everywhere to anyone!! Not forgetting the random tacky hot tub in your prison yard.
It’s why many people tune into her TikTok’s! Comedy value! The tacky house in the worst area of Stevenage, awful furniture, old people home throws on the settees…prison yard tiny back yard..holding parties/BBQ’s in the teeny tiny yard with JUST her parents and sister…all highly unhinged! AND then telling people in comments they are JEALOUS of her!!! AND the Dad and huge sister starting up their own TikTok’s too….even more comedy shows! The noises alone, that come out their mouths and asses whilst they eat is bad enough, never mind the mindless boring dull talk!!! They are like a spoof parody of the Kardashian’s! 😂🤣😂


Mar 1, 2024
They want original, creative, authentic, quality content ….everything Sevda is NOT doing.
I don’t think Sevda is capable of doing good or interesting content, she’s not cut out for this work… She likes the freebies and easy money e.g. the £6K a month but in reality it’s not something that suits her. She has a really thin skin and it’s clear her family life and health is suffering