Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


May 6, 2024
They catch a bus to the harbour to have a special meal out for Hairy Big Tooth’s birthday…. and what do they eat ?? …beige food! Frozen beige food! Pizza & chips and Calamari & chips! 😂🤣 And NO WAY does that calamari look fresh….it’s Iceland’s special! And instead of eating the Calamari with fresh lemon juice ….they are all dunking it heavily into thick gloopy cheap catering tartar “sawwwce”!!’ And, as usual the Queen of shop bought “sawwwces”’ is getting feral triggers that she has enough! Can’t share the “sawwwce”!! 🤮 The pizza looks nothing special at all! Floppy frozen gloopy crust and no fresh toppings and the chips are burnt round the edges 🥴

Sevda doesn’t choose to eat well cooked local cuisine, with all the flavours of the food enhanced with carefully chosen herbs and natural flavourings…Sevda and family prefer a
huge amount of frozen beige food thrown on a plate, with a huge dollop of thick catering bought sauce to dunk it all in! Classy 😂

They also are having what look like cheap blue cocktails with their food 😂 This family cannot get more chavvy.


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Mar 2, 2024
They catch a bus to the harbour to have a special meal out for Hairy Big Tooth’s birthday…. and what do they eat ?? …beige food! Frozen beige food! Pizza & chips and Calamari & chips! 😂🤣 And NO WAY does that calamari look fresh….it’s Iceland’s special! And instead of eating the Calamari with fresh lemon juice ….they are all dunking it heavily into thick gloopy cheap catering tartar “sawwwce”!!’ And, as usual the Queen of shop bought “sawwwces”’ is getting feral triggers that she has enough! Can’t share the “sawwwce”!! 🤮 The pizza looks nothing special at all! Floppy frozen gloopy crust and no fresh toppings and the chips are burnt round the edges 🥴

Sevda doesn’t choose to eat well cooked local cuisine, with all the flavours of the food enhanced with carefully chosen herbs and natural flavourings…Sevda and family prefer a
huge amount of frozen beige food thrown on a plate, with a huge dollop of thick catering bought sauce to dunk it all in! Classy 😂

They also are having what look like cheap blue cocktails with their food 😂 This family cannot get more chavvy.
Yeah but they aren’t just chips they are Cyprus potato chips and their drinks look like blue wkd 😂


Mar 1, 2024
I will 100% believe that she paid for this holiday. Because if it was just her and Ella she would have done all inclusive. I remember her saying last year that all inclusive was the best etc!!

Secondly, I know that hotel so well as we visited last year. There is a good size water park for kids. Lots and lots of seating for parents to sit just in front of the water park. Why is Ella not going? Why is she complaining about all the kids and how loud it is and that she wouldn’t want to visit again because it’s not peace and quiet!!
How dare she even comment on kids when her own child doesn’t ever go to school!! So your child is allowed to go but others can’t!

I’ve also reported lots of Ella’s videos and was done for violating the guidelines. So I’m guessing she’s keeping Ella out as much as possible. God forbid she loses her tiktok!

Sedat looks soooo happy away from them all!!

The hairy dad 🤮🤮🤮 please lord tell these people you need to wear tops for lunch and dinner (appropriate) clothing.

The whole family are Chavs! At her grown age who dances like that for those fake following!

I swear compared to her I actually love becki I can’t believe I’m saying this!!! But I honestly hate Begda so much!
So she’s stopped including Ela as much to avoid violations from us reporting her, not because she wants to safeguard her child 🥴


Mar 3, 2024
Those twatting sunglasses- honestly! Makes me want to punch them into her face ! I wonder if she brought her super duper 5 pairs of sunglasses holder thingy from the tiktok shop that she was trying to flog , with her ? 🤔
Where’s his top lip gone? What is it with that family with dysfunctional gobs🤦🏻‍♀️. You got Begda anusmouth, The sister that looks like she’s had a stroke & the creepy underlip bucked tooth ugh ugh dad.


Mar 3, 2024
Oh dear oh dear Sevda - what have we here ?
Social blade shows your "bought" followers of 100k on Monday before your ridiculous celebration on Tuesday. You get exposed thanks to MTH and comments posted that you can't delete , and all of a sudden , those 100k followers suddenly disappear on Tuesday.... then another 100k appear the next day ... did you panic and buy them back when you realised you still show as 1.7 million and therefore the 1.8 million is a lie and you've made an utter arse of yourself ? you absolute fraud ! Screenshot_20240620_045854_Samsung Internet.jpg
This really needs exposing to the max . Fooling the public like this! fing lying begging narcissist witch!


Mar 2, 2024
Oh dear oh dear Sevda - what have we here ?
Social blade shows your "bought" followers of 100k on Monday before your ridiculous celebration on Tuesday. You get exposed thanks to MTH and comments posted that you can't delete , and all of a sudden , those 100k followers suddenly disappear on Tuesday.... then another 100k appear the next day ... did you panic and buy them back when you realised you still show as 1.7 million and therefore the 1.8 million is a lie and you've made an utter arse of yourself ? you absolute fraud ! Screenshot_20240620_045854_Samsung Internet.jpg
Also quite interested in the 20 people she unfollowed on the 12th which by having a nose was the Kolay Grill gifted lahmacun night 🤔


May 9, 2024
60th Birthday celebrations look awesome - not! why did they not go to a nice restaurant? instead of a greasy spoon and when he panned the camera round Ewa is glued to her ipad looking as bored as do!!! ... she must be reeling at not getting in on the camera action bearing in mind she is the most attention seeking brat I have ever come across!!!

Then when the birthday (slice of) cake cam out and they all sung out of tune 😖 how many forks were on the plate... tight fwits clearly shared the cake and never put their hand in their pockets to buy a desert each... yet at the hotel buffet they all have a dinner size plate full??? Greedy pigs...

Screenshot 2024-06-20 094744.png Screenshot 2024-06-20 095118.png
Mar 2, 2024
60th Birthday celebrations look awesome - not! why did they not go to a nice restaurant? instead of a greasy spoon and when he panned the camera round Ewa is glued to her ipad looking as bored as do!!! ... she must be reeling at not getting in on the camera action bearing in mind she is the most attention seeking brat I have ever come across!!!

Then when the birthday (slice of) cake cam out and they all sung out of tune 😖 how many forks were on the plate... tight fwits clearly shared the cake and never put their hand in their pockets to buy a desert each... yet at the hotel buffet they all have a dinner size plate full??? Greedy pigs...

Screenshot 2024-06-20 094744.png Screenshot 2024-06-20 095118.png
I did giggle when it was just a slice of cake from a £1.20 frozen cheesecake that they’d defrosted the night before


May 8, 2024
Get that child off her iPad!!!!!!
Sevda infuriates me! She does not deserve to be a mum. She in fact is one of the worst parents I’ve seen.
Horrible woman! And poor ela. That is her chance to make something of her daughter, mould her into good person, educated, clever, self sufficient. But no, she’s 8 years old, stuck to her iPad, acting 3 because her mum can’t be arsed with her.
What a shameful family.