Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
What a load of arseholes. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚
Someone put about Sedat working there, tbh that wouldnā€™t surprise me, her excuse was he was cutting his hair.,, ok he comes home earlier afternoon, her words not mine he gets a shower/bath why didnā€™t he do his hair beforeā€¦. Secondly the way she played up food for him then said she will have it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø she never even called him for it.
If he does no wonder she gets all that free s
They will need the money as she got far to big for her boots

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Sheā€™s one of those twats that would check into a hospital on FB and when people comment to ask why, would reply something like ā€œIā€™ll PM you hunā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

She knows fine well her weirdo fans will fill her comments section with comments asking whatā€™s wrong and if sheā€™s ok because she mentioned the doctors. Attention seeking cow.

Most people with children of a similar age are far busier on the weekends running around between football, swimming, gymnastics etc. She is so out of touch with the real world!
Round where I live no Doctors open on a weekend, we have out of hours GP service

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
does anyone else think the comments are getting to her now? there are more and more comments exposing her, and they have quite a few likes. she must be crying screaming sting herself that she canā€™t control the narrative. all she can do is plaster on a fake smile but we can see through it. she does little things like now sheā€™s trying to correct her speaking, obviously reading here. ā€œgood mawwwingā€ fing hell love

really glad sheā€™s upset over the comments. do her x
Yes I do think they are as she canā€™t handle it at all
Thatā€™s way she posts the s posts eg troll šŸ§Œ etc
She cant handle it what so ever and itā€™s getting worse since the good not so good holiday
The digs at people who have been and said itā€™s good (CW) the digs over the cleansing pots even hungry hippo gave a snotty reply on them said they was Ā£5.00 never gave the price on anything else, as CW sell them for more well of course they will itā€™s called running a business and making money and not begging for everything
No one wanting to go to the cook book launch
Basically her close so called circle have distanced themselves from her in what I have seen
Even hungry hippo said she was off to the thick parents this weekend
Mar 2, 2024
Nor near me which I was wondering if it was a thing elsewhere in the UK
.the only time I've ever been to the docs on a Saturday was for a smear test and that's only because the nurse had been ill and had a backlog of tests to do so she had to do them on a Saturday!
I think they do Saturday appointments near me, but even when I've requested one they've not accommodated it, I think they must be for when they really can't fit people in during the week. So an overspill service, I guess, not routine.

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Nor near me which I was wondering if it was a thing elsewhere in the UK
.the only time I've ever been to the docs on a Saturday was for a smear test and that's only because the nurse had been ill and had a backlog of tests to do so she had to do them on a Saturday!
I am North East, and none of the GPs are open in the town or surrounding borders
Couldnā€™t give a flying chilli flake why allegedly been, but with this b she says things for Ā£Ā£Ā£


Apr 17, 2024
does anyone else think the comments are getting to her now? there are more and more comments exposing her, and they have quite a few likes. she must be crying screaming sting herself that she canā€™t control the narrative. all she can do is plaster on a fake smile but we can see through it. she does little things like now sheā€™s trying to correct her speaking, obviously reading here. ā€œgood mawwwingā€ fing hell love

really glad sheā€™s upset over the comments. do her x
I think theyā€™re def getting to her, Iā€™ve noticed thereā€™s more and more of them. Even yesterdayā€™s ā€œtrollā€ one, she left it up and engaged on it thinking itā€™ll up her engagement. Today itā€™s gone, she clearly couldnā€™t handle that more ppl were supporting the negative comments and ended up deleting it. Seems that ppl are def seeing her nasty side now


May 6, 2024
I'm up for a blocking this evening I feel šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Screenshot_20240705_214343_TikTok.jpg
I think Sedat has an incontinence issue. I really do. He falls asleep a lot on those sofas and he overall canā€™t seem to do any activity outside of his job as a bin collector and attending to Megan šŸ˜‰ He maybe has a lazy bladder.

There HAS to be a reason beyond the dog or food or drink, as to why she uses big throws to cover all the sofas like that! It looks awful! She covers up the dog when out in the rain (cruel!)ā€¦so Wocco isnā€™t muddy. Most of us have a dog/s that are either trained not to go on the sofas or who donā€™t dirty the sofa! Weā€™re clean people, especially compared to Sevda and her family. Our sofas are clean. We donā€™t have granny sofas!!

Also, Sevda herself, will surely 100% know by now how RIDICULOUS it looks to cover up all the sofas! Sheā€™ll know the reason in care homes is for the elderly having incontinence issues. So WHY does she completely cover hers?

I also wonder if Sevda canā€™t trust her own bowel habits?! Sheā€™s always saying how her bowels match her personality ā€¦.rammed tight, full of sh@t! Maybe when sheā€™s been drinking and sheā€™s lazy, she suddenly lets ā€˜looseā€™?! Seriously!
Last edited:


Mar 4, 2024
She said to see the nurse and then screw her face. So she probably is going for a smear test. With a big platform like yours. Why donā€™t you use it to educate women on importance of getting checked. Instead of you sitting there eating like a pig!

And the way she talks about Ellaā€™s school all the time in such praise and positive way and the amount of times she says she helps the school. I donā€™t understand why the school like her so much and gives her this treatment! Canā€™t they see the neglect and the s parent that she is!


Apr 17, 2024
I think Sedat has an incontinence issue. I really do. He falls asleep a lot on those sofas and he overall canā€™t seem to do any activity outside of his job as a bin collector and attending to Megan šŸ˜‰

There HAS to be a reason beyond the dog. She covers up the dog when out in the rain (cruel)! Most of us have a dog/s that are either trained not to go on the sofas or who donā€™t dirty the sofa! Weā€™re clean people, especially compared to Sevda and her family. Our sofas are clean.

Also, Sevda will surely 100% know by now how RIDICULOUS it looks to cover up all the sofas! Sheā€™ll know the reason in care homes is for the elderly having incontinence issues.

I also wonder if Sevda canā€™t trust her own bowel habits?! Sheā€™s always saying how her bowels match her personality ā€¦.rammed tight, full of sh@t! Maybe when sheā€™s been drinking and sheā€™s lazy, she suddenly lets ā€˜looseā€™?! Seriously!
She blamed the need for the covers on Rocco, but I called her out on it and said she had them before they even got Rocco and she replied back saying she had them on before bc of Ewa šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø she canā€™t keep up with her own reason


Mar 1, 2024
She said to see the nurse and then screw her face. So she probably is going for a smear test. With a big platform like yours. Why donā€™t you use it to educate women on importance of getting checked. Instead of you sitting there eating like a pig!

And the way she talks about Ellaā€™s school all the time in such praise and positive way and the amount of times she says she helps the school. I donā€™t understand why the school like her so much and gives her this treatment! Canā€™t they see the neglect and the s parent that she is!
Imagine the cobwebs the nurse is going to see when doing the smear test šŸ˜‚