Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 3, 2024
She fed herself before anyone says it all and then telling Kuki what she should have on hers and where the do has babe and babes come from
And the new friends she made again lol free food last time it was free Turkish coffee lol 😂
That totally fake "baby and babies". Was that after all the gins she had or trying to act endearing to be like Kukoo. I wonder what kind of sob story she laid on those people that she just met.
Mar 2, 2024
Honestly.. she takes over wherever she goes.. that’s not her apartment yet there she is front and centre.. I thought I caught glimpse of a bed in the lounge? It’s not a huge apartment so probably (or pobably as dickhead would say)

Why are they feeding the kids so late? We are on holiday at the moment and the majority of what we have done has been for our child (same age as Ela).. we went to a kids show, a ride on a tram because he hasn’t been on one, and all the fun things kids like to do and we still managed to eat at a decent hour and a good night sleep.. this child has zero structure…. Ridiculous eating at that hour!!

If everyone is so hungry so fingering all the food with your chicken fingers and feed them! It’s late! She is so stupid, so stupid.. I reckon one more swim and she is going to lose what hair she has left too.. good!
Mar 3, 2024
Honestly.. she takes over wherever she goes.. that’s not her apartment yet there she is front and centre.. I thought I caught glimpse of a bed in the lounge? It’s not a huge apartment so probably (or pobably as dickhead would say)

Why are they feeding the kids so late? We are on holiday at the moment and the majority of what we have done has been for our child (same age as Ela).. we went to a kids show, a ride on a tram because he hasn’t been on one, and all the fun things kids like to do and we still managed to eat at a decent hour and a good night sleep.. this child has zero structure…. Ridiculous eating at that hour!!

If everyone is so hungry so fingering all the food with your chicken fingers and feed them! It’s late! She is so stupid, so stupid.. I reckon one more swim and she is going to lose what hair she has left too.. good!
She could have made Ewa and Sasha some soup and a sandwich for dinner. Or Mac and cheese. I think she was too busy drinking gin to care.


Mar 19, 2024
Dreadful parenting to make an 8 year old child wait until gone 10.30pm for an evening meal, the woman has no consideration for her daughter’s wellbeing. Honestly, I do believe that social services will be knocking on her door for neglect before too long. She only cares about herself, pigging out on that sandwich and visibly having to force it down her throat in an attempt to swallow it as she can’t grasp the concept of actually chewing what she rams into her cavernous mouth and why is she cosplaying Kuki? The shoulder wiggle and the mmm mmm mmms just like her real Turkish sister-in-law. It makes her look stupid as it’s endearing coming from Kuki but blatant copycatting by Sevda. Just pack it in you stupid cow! 😡
Mar 8, 2024
Imagine having to wait for ya gfs irritating auntie to film the food before you get to eat it. They waited long enough yet she still had to film it. Least she didn’t stand there plating it up like usual. Poor kids must have been starving. She’s so fake. How Kuki cope with is is beyond me. I’d have drop kicked her and her donurrrr butty off the balcony. Telling her she needs saaawwwccceee babe. No sevda just shut the do and mind your own kebob business. I can’t fing tolerate her at all. She’s just one of the most awful human beings there is. Nothing genuine about her or nice. She’s a nasty piece of s with s hair


Jul 18, 2024
Sevdas filming skills are so piss poor! It’s like she’s doing it on purpose to embarrass Kuki.
Kukis videos are recorded like a 2 year old when they get hold of the camera.
Definitely does a shoddy job on purpose and i got second hand embarrassment in the market video on Kuki’s channel when she is so giddy in front of the men that weren’t paying her any attention whatsoever and trying to show off her abysmal Turkish. You can even see her in the comment section of the video being cocky, saying how shocked they are she can speak Turkish.