Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


Mar 1, 2024
I see Begda wasn’t invited to M&S Christmas food party this year or she wouldn’t have booked her holiday during it 😂 It happened last night apparently… Remember last year when she was eating everything like a pig and taking food to take home 🥴 She’s a se reviewer and hardly ever buys M&S food so don’t understand why they invited her last year. Bet she’ll tell us now she chose not to go after she reads my post on here and insist she was invited

Mar 2, 2024
Not gone through all the messages on here yet so don’t know if anyone’s asked this question. But am I losing my marbles? Can someone explain why you would book a meal in a Tunisian A La carte restaurant when you are in Fact in Tunisia and eating Tunisian Cuisine? Also she Thinks Tagliatelle is weird for a starter, so she’s ordered Lasagne for her starter? Does she watch these pathetic so called Content Creator videos back before she posts them? I do not believe that people actually gave her a job working in a pharmaceutical position! She absolutely talks a load of old se. Does she hear herself? Does anybody correct her? I’m sorry but she is fing Dangerous and should not be allowed a Phone ever! Handing medicine out to people whose lives depend on said medication.
Also I see she’s latched onto some more strangers to give her the Validation she Craves! I seriously think she needs psychiatric Help. Go speak to someone please You need serious help! Why is she like that? What creates a Dangerous Narcissist? I don’t understand her at all. In my 52 years I’ve never seen or met anyone like her. I’m flabbergasted by her. Flabbergasted isn’t even the word than can express how she makes me feel!! Can’t think of the word I want to use so help me out peeps. I’m running on empty after 1 hrs sleep because my husband wanted a kitten so we’ve purchased a kitten. She doesn’t sleep and is the devil’s spawn. But so cute. 🤣🤣🤣
Absolutely laughed my head off 😂😂 and hello to your kitten 😘
Mar 2, 2024
They’re clearly bored of the buffet now! - flabbergasted /gobsmacked first other word came to mind. Awww a kitten - of any consolation I’ve been up with my partner’s puppy since very early - he doesn’t live here, can send him back but he’s gorgeous. I’m more a cat person x
Awwww hello puppy, I’ve 2 dogs my little fur babies love them to bits ❤️❤️


Mar 1, 2024
Not gone through all the messages on here yet so don’t know if anyone’s asked this question. But am I losing my marbles? Can someone explain why you would book a meal in a Tunisian A La carte restaurant when you are in Fact in Tunisia and eating Tunisian Cuisine? Also she Thinks Tagliatelle is weird for a starter, so she’s ordered Lasagne for her starter? Does she watch these pathetic so called Content Creator videos back before she posts them? I do not believe that people actually gave her a job working in a pharmaceutical position! She absolutely talks a load of old se. Does she hear herself? Does anybody correct her? I’m sorry but she is fing Dangerous and should not be allowed a Phone ever! Handing medicine out to people whose lives depend on said medication.
Also I see she’s latched onto some more strangers to give her the Validation she Craves! I seriously think she needs psychiatric Help. Go speak to someone please You need serious help! Why is she like that? What creates a Dangerous Narcissist? I don’t understand her at all. In my 52 years I’ve never seen or met anyone like her. I’m flabbergasted by her. Flabbergasted isn’t even the word than can express how she makes me feel!! Can’t think of the word I want to use so help me out peeps. I’m running on empty after 1 hrs sleep because my husband wanted a kitten so we’ve purchased a kitten. She doesn’t sleep and is the devil’s spawn. But so cute. 🤣🤣🤣
Wait til the kitten starts getting the zoomies 😂
Mar 2, 2024
Some all inclusives have separate restaurants (within the hotel) to their main eating area which you have to book to eat at in advance and they’re themed around different cuisines… For example at one hotel I was at in Turkey they had an Italian restaurant and Turkish restaurant. I think the idea being that they’re a bit more made to order rather than the mass catering they do for the main restaurant as the number attending the restaurant each night are limited and they can spend more time on the food and make it more authentically. Better than that would be to actually just go outside your hotel and find a restaurant where you can soak up the sights and smells rather than in your all inclusive
yes they do and I’ve also dined in a lot of them but I definitely wouldn’t book to go in a Restaurant that offers the Cuisine of the Country I’m in. Like you said you would get a far better experience to book a restaurant off the Complex. Go explore Your surroundings.
Mar 2, 2024
Wait til the kitten starts getting the zoomies 😂
My hands are raw. Didn’t realise till I started to wash my breakfast dishes.
She sleeps for 10 minutes at a time. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Not really functioning well today. I’m in a fibro flare also so I’m doing the bare minimum today. And the Menopause is kicking my behind too. You Guys would absolutely Laugh your heads off if you could see the state of me. Started with belpharitis 8 weeks ago and I’ve had it 5 times already. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 No lie my eyes are worse than flappers.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Let’s get a kitten he said. I must want my head read.

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
I actually hope Mine finds genuine love with someone. She’s annoying too but not as annoying as beg, she’s tolerable I’d say and she’s got a normal job, normal social life and real friends. Beg would hate it if Mine found someone
If she did mine (extra large) would get the attention in which something she wouldn’t be able to cope with so does the past resurface in what’s happened to the older sister and her children, to me they all do what she says she holds a gun over them all
Mar 2, 2024
My hands are raw. Didn’t realise till I started to wash my breakfast dishes.
She sleeps for 10 minutes at a time. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Not really functioning well today. I’m in a fibro flare also so I’m doing the bare minimum today. And the Menopause is kicking my behind too. You Guys would absolutely Laugh your heads off if you could see the state of me. Started with belpharitis 8 weeks ago and I’ve had it 5 times already. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 No lie my eyes are worse than flappers.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Let’s get a kitten he said. I must want my head read.
I think I’m perimenopausal, I haven’t been to the doctors though I’m taking vitamin tablets to see if it helps, it’s the aching joints and hot flushes I hate ☹️

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
I see Begda wasn’t invited to M&S Christmas food party this year or she wouldn’t have booked her holiday during it 😂 It happened last night apparently… Remember last year when she was eating everything like a pig and taking food to take home 🥴 She’s a se reviewer and hardly ever buys M&S food so don’t understand why they invited her last year. Bet she’ll tell us now she chose not to go after she reads my post on here and insist she was invited

Of course she will this is where she gets her inspiration from lol 😂 I remember that last year she made a total duck of herself yet again stuffing her face with everything and taking so much stuff home as well over the top pure greed

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
The Devil sleeps and I can’t move cos she will wake up! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Awww how cute would love a cat but can’t as my daughter is allergic even through she doesn’t live with us it’s any hair that sets her off and plus I don’t think the old boy GSD would cope with a cat he still at his age doesn’t understand they don’t like dogs 😂😂💗


Mar 1, 2024
I think I’m perimenopausal, I haven’t been to the doctors though I’m taking vitamin tablets to see if it helps, it’s the aching joints and hot flushes I hate ☹️
I’m a doctor and I think you should definitely consider having a chat with your GP about it to see how they can help you with the symptoms. Menopausal symptoms are so undermanaged and society doesn’t acknowledge how disabling it can be.
Mar 2, 2024
I’m a doctor and I think you should definitely consider having a chat with your GP about it to see how they can help you with the symptoms. Menopausal symptoms are so undermanaged and society doesn’t acknowledge how disabling it can be.
I have some other symptoms like sleep problems and headaches, I should really book an appointment because I get low moods too… thanks for your help ❤️