Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

May 24, 2024
The World
I’ve just seen the comment about L being there. What a crock of s. If you didn’t feel you were doing wrong you wouldn’t need to lie to cover up valid points. The fact someone has driven past her and seen she wasn’t there makes her look even more of a lying t than she usually appears 🤣🤣
Won’t be that if she wipes someone out on the roads because she’s looking at her phone screen to check herself out, or the timer and someone pulls out in front of her.
Mar 12, 2024
I’ve just seen the comment about L being there. What a crock of s. If you didn’t feel you were doing wrong you wouldn’t need to lie to cover up valid points. The fact someone has driven past her and seen she wasn’t there makes her look even more of a lying t than she usually appears 🤣🤣
Won’t be that if she wipes someone out on the roads because she’s looking at her phone screen to check herself out, or the timer and someone pulls out in front of her.
Yup caught driving down that exact stretch on the video ( I work near there) and no L in the car! Why you always LYING 😭😭😭
Mar 12, 2024
She is such a liar. She was away to M induction day and then she would have went and got lily. She really is such a liar, and lies about the most pointless s.
Yup I seen her driving down that exact bit on the video as I recognised the houses where I was driving and no sign of L just the big bad beefy herself! My work is nearby so no stalker here beefy 😘😘😘


Mar 10, 2024
What is that morning video seatbelt strap in the way of him getting out the car now she is a CP mum a change from autistic mum today if she had caught his good or his toy he would have went head first onto the concrete and she wouldn’t have been able to catch him as she had her phone in her hand, also notice she is not filming his school after someone complained she did last year and she got spoken to.
Mar 12, 2024
Tell y
I’ve just seen the comment about L being there. What a crock of s. If you didn’t feel you were doing wrong you wouldn’t need to lie to cover up valid points. The fact someone has driven past her and seen she wasn’t there makes her look even more of a lying t than she usually appears 🤣🤣
Won’t be that if she wipes someone out on the roads because she’s looking at her phone screen to check herself out, or the timer and someone pulls out in front of her.
Tell you she wipes anyone close to me out she’s for it 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Yup I seen her driving down that exact bit on the video as I recognised the houses where I was driving and no sign of L just the big bad beefy herself! My work is nearby so no stalker here beefy 😘😘😘

🤣🤣🤣 love that for her 🙊🙊 I know if that was me and I done tik tok my oldest would be writing under would be like eh no I was not 🤣🤣 but again I bring them up to tell the truth something vav finds so so so difficult to do
May 13, 2024
Wonder if she will address the charity Q&A now the fan girling over girls aloud has passed you read here Steph so folk are dying to know why it didn’t go ahead after making such a tit of yourself after getting told about vidoes being made and it was nothing to do with you.
Not a chance she’ll address it! Or the women making the videos! I’ve watched most of them and they’d all wipe the floor with her! You can’t compete where you don’t compare!! Away and suck dick! Not very good at that either so I’ve heard 🤣🤣🤣
May 13, 2024
Yup I seen her driving down that exact bit on the video as I recognised the houses where I was driving and no sign of L just the big bad beefy herself! My work is nearby so no stalker here beefy 😘😘😘
She better hope to do her dashboard pins her in cause if she crashed into me with my bairns in the car I’d pull the t oot and kick do oot her