Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Bet she was the one giving Pam the comments to post all the stuff about cammys family 😟😟

What she was saying on Friday was disgusting. Saying Steph had no access to the money etc. Then she did as bills needed paid, C handed it out, no one in her family touched the money. Eh Pam your story ain't making sense and why is that because it's a LIE
May 24, 2024
The World
See people who have to go on and on about how positive they are, that means it’s not coming from a natural place. It’s forced. It’s not coming from them freely.

She lies about the most basic s. It’s so weird.

She lives in her own delusion so can’t even see it 🤣🤣 but eventually her followers will see it. Any day one she still has is a cling on or delusional themselves.
In my 39 years of truth and positivity, I’ve never had to paint over a fresh manicure because I’ve lied.

Not once.
Mar 10, 2024
She is physchotic honestly. What sane person would upload a crying video implying it was from that day, get caught put with lying due to the nail colour, then proceeds to paint over her fresh set and thinks no one will notice?? She's a dangerous one
At this point those nails are making me heave! Her Huns must be colour blind and not able to do the simplest of tasks like 2+2 and it make 4 if they can’t peice together the s show that happened
Mar 8, 2024
I just had a flick through, every single post is responded with a god complex undertone, it’s negatively driven.
Her aura is blaccccckkkk. Positive people don’t go on and on about how positive they are, she’s trying to convince herself.
You are what you focus on, she focuses only on the negative ‘troll’ comments, and follows it up with a side dish of arrogance.

The universe works in mysterious ways.
I don’t have a single bit of negativity in my life, it’s happy, healthy, beautiful relationship and kids, both of us are career people with very good paying jobs. My daughter is about to go to uni.
I don’t wake up with 100s of hate comments made about me, there are zero skeletons in my closet that would come back to haunt me.
She must understand that this is her karma.. people have been waiting their moment to have their say.

I do however have a voice and an opinion and can see her lies & manipulation, people like that should not be influencing anyone.

Let’s be honest though… what’s she influencing?? Can anyone tell me what her niche is?

Influencing......not to be a t 🤣🤣
May 13, 2024
So what’s happening? She said something was going to happen today, we all getting arrested? I’ve done my housework and waiting here for my door to be kicked in by the cops or Sam soprano to make me go missing 😂 x
It was this week in general I think? Sam is yer boot big? I’ve certain things I can’t leave home without….do I need jumpers? Sunscreen! You blindfolding me or am I taking my own?….i like that kinda s 😎😜 You’ve been about as vague as Vav on a Kiev dish up dinner

did yi aye

Mar 21, 2024
She goes on about negativity , yet every bloody post on her Insta is surrounded about negativity . What happened to the white board and life coach guru , Vav ?! Wakening up on a positive note , ice baths ... I mean it's a walking contradiction !
That was a era lol 🤣 everything is a reaction off reading here eeemm she is obsessed

did yi aye

Mar 21, 2024
I just had a flick through, every single post is responded with a god complex undertone, it’s negatively driven.
Her aura is blaccccckkkk. Positive people don’t go on and on about how positive they are, she’s trying to convince herself.
You are what you focus on, she focuses only on the negative ‘troll’ comments, and follows it up with a side dish of arrogance.

The universe works in mysterious ways.
I don’t have a single bit of negativity in my life, it’s happy, healthy, beautiful relationship and kids, both of us are career people with very good paying jobs. My daughter is about to go to uni.
I don’t wake up with 100s of hate comments made about me, there are zero skeletons in my closet that would come back to haunt me.
She must understand that this is her karma.. people have been waiting their moment to have their say.

I do however have a voice and an opinion and can see her lies & manipulation, people like that should not be influencing anyone.

Let’s be honest though… what’s she influencing?? Can anyone tell me what her niche is?
Yes 🥰 n see to be honest I came on here being nosey as I was being nosey n she didn't sit right with me n I have found out that this is people who have a opinion n a place to that can speak on her freely so they're is a difference like me I never ever ever commented on her page n I never commented on people's pages who have a opinion n I did the other day n I got blocked so she is hunting down people that like or side with a opinion on her