Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 8, 2024
Happy obviously isn’t sure how babies are made because if any part of you was ‘spat’, it went in the wrong hole.
I don’t think he’s quite ready for that conversation though. 🐦 🐝
I would say happy doesn’t know what a vagina looks like. Talking about things he has no knowledge on seems to be his thing.
Staffs an expert on getting her gash out for men she hardly knows. I’m sure she can teach happy about fandangos and what hole is used for conception


Mar 10, 2024
You lot really are a bunch of bitter twisted fs. You sit on here day in, day out watching his every move on social media and all having your digs. What have you all done so far this weekend? Been for a walk on the beach?had a relaxing weekend abroad? No, you sat on here screen recording, screenshotting, being bitter about someone you don’t even know. You b about him “clapping back”, why shouldn’t he, if people are leaving negative comments on his page. If someone came along and shat in your front garden, you’d be pissed off too, it’s the same thing. Just because it’s public, doesn’t mean it’s open to abuse. I’ve noticed it’s always the same people having a pop,do you not have families? Hobbies? Friends to socialise with? This isn’t healthy and if you think it is, I’d get yourselves booked in at your doctors and see if they can get you in with the mental health team as a priority. Not being sexist here either but women to a degree I can understand being on a site like this, it’s in their nature to b, but grown men haha, half of you hiding behind fake profiles, did you have to hand your bollocks over to the women to put in their handbags to become a member of this site?
Mate you don’t need to go to Ibiza for a walk along the beach fs plenty of them in the UK what a ridiculous statement! You also don’t need to go to Ibiza for your hole but Sam did 😂 and watch his every move on social media who’s the saddo putting his mundane life over it he’s getting the attention he’s craving he’s obviously desperate for it especially jumping a flight to pump steph the cancer charity thief, imagine the utter cheek of a grown man in his 50’s coming here on a weekend asking if we have nothing else to do if we have friends family or a life think you should question your own life and not ours as your also here with us 😉
Mar 8, 2024
So just watched the rest of the lesbians tattoo video so I could understand what staff was on about. Has she got a tattoo to match them with their ivf story?! She just took over their whole video about their tattoos. I dont watch them. But I’ve seen a few videos here and there of them. I don’t like the short haired one.. I don’t know why.. I just get bad vibes off her.
Staff just has to be the centre of attention even in videos someone else is making about a personal experience. She’s a fing melt. I’d be so embarrassed coming home and watching back all these videos and clips of myself pissed and being so loud. She will have the fear for days.


Apr 5, 2024
Thank you so much, I try not to bring too much attention to it because it just upsets them, but I am seeing my dad tomorrow with my son and my eldest is working so that will take her mind off things, my dad is brilliant with my son he’s so patient and calm (son is autistic) x
Morning , if it's any consolation ( my ex ) passed very suddenly ( cardiac arrest at manual labour job in hot weather ) 7 yrs past beginning of this month and he's left our nr. 15 yr old son behind . It's turned into trauma and more complexed with him that I won't be divulging on here but everything hurts . I lost my parents within a month of each other just before my oldest was born ( He was a month early ) So ,life sucks for us on father's day too ... Just take it step at a time for the day 💕
Oh , and that phrase hurt people , hurt others is BS . They just have the ability to see through other people's BS ! Let's all pray together for the riots out there !! 😏
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Apr 5, 2024
We’re getting abuse for digging in to him, yet he’s posting for us? His tiktoks are actually directed to us?
Chatting amongst ourselves minding our business.🙄 using us for clout, getting a bit sick of it to be honest
Honestly just woke , new neighbours across the road had garden party yesterday ( don't know why not in the back garden ) all afternoon right through to 2 am . I swear, I'm glad I stopped drinking 3 years ago , it was loud and turning into a riot . See the engagement went up from her huns , they'll be thinking he's put a ring on her finger already !


Apr 5, 2024
So just watched the rest of the lesbians tattoo video so I could understand what staff was on about. Has she got a tattoo to match them with their ivf story?! She just took over their whole video about their tattoos. I dont watch them. But I’ve seen a few videos here and there of them. I don’t like the short haired one.. I don’t know why.. I just get bad vibes off her.
Staff just has to be the centre of attention even in videos someone else is making about a personal experience. She’s a fing melt. I’d be so embarrassed coming home and watching back all these videos and clips of myself pissed and being so loud. She will have the fear for days.
She need's to cut out the alcohol . Her behaviour is worse with it.
May 24, 2024
The World
My neighbours were having one too. I hardly ever drink, I’m in to fitness so if I drink I skip the gym. Obviously I’m naturally a miserable t to be writing on here, so imagine me hungover 😬
He’s getting zero air time from me, desperation is off the scale.
Some things in here can be below the belt in the name of humour, and it’s obvious his feelings are hurt about his appearance comments but we don’t even need to mention them to have something to write about, the actions of desperation are enough. However if you’re going to call us ugly, and we have an actual visual, we’re going to retaliate 😏
Goading a reaction out of TL & CC by posting tiktoks aimed at us, then calling us out for reacting. Gaslighting 101 - pair of them are a toxic match made in heaven.

Anyways that’s my peace on them/him. Vav has her comeuppance coming.

This is Vavs thread, my opinion will be kept to her.


Apr 5, 2024
My neighbours were having one too. I hardly ever drink, I’m in to fitness so if I drink I skip the gym. Obviously I’m naturally a miserable t to be writing on here, so imagine me hungover 😬
He’s getting zero air time from me, desperation is off the scale.
Some things in here can be below the belt in the name of humour, and it’s obvious his feelings are hurt about his appearance comments but we don’t even need to mention them to have something to write about, the actions of desperation are enough. However if you’re going to call us ugly, and we have an actual visual, we’re going to retaliate 😏
Goading a reaction out of TL & CC by posting tiktoks aimed at us, then calling us out for reacting. Gaslighting 101 - pair of them are a toxic match made in heaven.

Anyways that’s my peace on them/him. Vav has her comeuppance coming.

This is Vavs thread, my opinion will be kept to her.
I was away to say , keep it that way . It's been getting toxic on his part . I've not slagged his appearance and I don't body shame , even that melt ... It's her lying . Same , I do my treadmill with 15 kilo weights in an old bergen of my son's 🥴 No bad for an ex powerlifter with fybro in ma 50s , as I hate gyms now . 🥴 👍
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May 24, 2024
The World
I was away to say , keep it that way . It's been getting toxic on his part . I've not slagged his appearance and I don't body shame , even that melt . It's her lying . Same do my treadmill with 15 kilo weights in an old bergen of my son's 🥴 No bad for an ex powerlifter with fybro in ma 50s as hate gyms now . 🥴 👍
I called him dadbod 😇 but they are ‘in’.
Yeesss 💪🏽 love it!
I absolutely love the gym, I’ve had my health stripped away from me a couple times so I appreciate being well and able to work out!


Mar 12, 2024
Just checking, everyone still here..

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