Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

May 24, 2024
The World
Don’t believe that for one min 🔥🔥
I do alright 😂😂
When the new Michelle Keegan tv programme came out I got loads of DMs saying ‘I thought that was you’.
It’s always a mix with her, Cheryl Cole, or Kelly Brook when I was younger.
Sometimes I get Anne Hathaway too.
Feel like I am just old now and I’m only 39 👵🏽 but I’m always in gym clothes and never making an effort now.
Couldn’t sit and do my make up for three hours. Jesus 🤢⚰️
May 24, 2024
The World
The new video…. She’s actually so ugly. I said before most people have a beautiful smile but she looks primitively evil. The evil just oozes out.

And no I’m not jealous Steph… I walk about day to day making minimal effort with my appearance because I’m more of a natural beauty that doesn’t need war paint. I’m also not jealous of your lifestyle, it’s short lived & because most people that come in to contact with you think you’re a t.
Her smile doesn’t light up her face, it’s awful. Like something out terminator and takes over her face like another head is about to come out.
You can se le the evil in her, don’t need to know her
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
I do alright 😂😂
When the new Michelle Keegan tv programme came out I got loads of DMs saying ‘I thought that was you’.
It’s always a mix with her, Cheryl Cole, or Kelly Brook when I was younger.
Sometimes I get Anne Hathaway too.
Feel like I am just old now and I’m only 39 👵🏽 but I’m always in gym clothes and never making an effort now.
Couldn’t sit and do my make up for three hours. Jesus 🤢⚰️

Darn🔥🔥🔥🔥 Michelle keegan 😛😛😛oh well another milf❤️😘


May 10, 2024
Love this!! Girl power 😍
I’ve seen your hands and nails. You have nails of a looker 😂
I am defo no jealous of methadone mick. I get asked if my teeth are veneers all the time but they aren’t they are all mine 🥰
My wee inner emo teenager
who's always lurking with her wee chemical romance brain won last time with the black set 😂You still got the jungle theme? It was lush 🐯🐅😂
Mar 10, 2024
I do alright 😂😂
When the new Michelle Keegan tv programme came out I got loads of DMs saying ‘I thought that was you’.
It’s always a mix with her, Cheryl Cole, or Kelly Brook when I was younger.
Sometimes I get Anne Hathaway too.
Feel like I am just old now and I’m only 39 👵🏽 but I’m always in gym clothes and never making an effort now.
Couldn’t sit and do my make up for three hours. Jesus 🤢⚰️
See there you go! I can picture you 😍🥰🔥