Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 10, 2024
He has a daddy as well, hope lily works hard at school and gets away as soon as possible 👍🏼
To be fair I would hate to be lily I have heard from different folk that she isn’t that bad at school but then others have said different I guess not everyone gets on but Steph stomps about that school thinking she is the celebrity mum, but lily will have to make a life for herself and if it’s in Aberdeen it will be made all the harder with her mums reputation imagine trying to get a job and your mum is known in her hometown for all the wrong reasons.
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Mar 8, 2024
She said she was too busy?? You help her son communicate 🤯🤯🤯🤯
While this job was meant to be so she can with her kids more.

I think Steph is far too busy clout chasing to give her children any help.
She makes me sick
She’s more vile than I ever ever imagined. Every aspect of her personality is bloody awful. Forget ADHD, it’s personality disorder she has. NARCISSISTIC
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
I hope nursery still use makaton with him and that his daddy is learning it. Even just learning a handful like eat, sit calm down, they are so easy to learn as they are done at the same time as spoken words. It’s a bit like being in a foreign country and asking for something in a shop with your hands.
It’s disgusting that she priorities filming herself over learning simple signs. She will have enough PIP cash to allow her to do all these things, it’s not money she wants it’s a celebrity status. He’s a vulnerable child so thankfully the nursery and any schools he attends will do their best for him and teach him to communicate. I really hope his dad is making more effort with him. He seems like a lovely beautiful little boy ❤️

I do think his dad will be wanting to help his son as much as possible. I'm sure the nursery will be using it and I hope one day M will turn round and tell her to piss off.

He ain't always going to be a little boy. Oh he does doesn't he❤️


Mar 12, 2024
To be fair I would hate to be lily I have heard from different folk that she isn’t that bad at school but then others have said different I guess not everyone gets on but stomps about that school thinking she is the celebrity mum, but lily will have to make a life for herself and if it’s in Aberdeen it will be made all the harder with her mums reputation imagine trying to get a job and your mum is known in her hometown for all the wrong reasons.
From the tiny snippets I’ve seen it’s clear the girl can’t do any right whether it’s making her mum a burger, pasta or a cake. There are always negatives to be said.

She’s gonna have a lot of trauma to heal IF she can break the trauma bond with Steph. It’s definitely coercive abuse and Steph seems to use it with her children , friends, mum, nana and boyfriends.


Mar 8, 2024
From the tiny snippets I’ve seen it’s clear the girl can’t do any right whether it’s making her mum a burger, pasta or a cake. There are always negatives to be said.

She’s gonna have a lot of trauma to heal IF she can break the trauma bond with Steph. It’s definitely coercive abuse and Steph seems to use it with her children , friends, mum, nana and boyfriends.
That’s why she is so consumed with TT because she has no friends and can’t get any bloke to stay with her 😳
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
My boy worries a lot about the future, he’s got it set in his head that he will have a wife and kids and have his own house which is good but he worries about me when he and his siblings move out, he asks a lot about what I’m going to do Xmas day and he doesn’t want me on my own, I said I might want the peace and quiet when u noisy lot move out 😂, he keeps promising to visit all the time and I can go to his house, I think fin hell u are only 14 sounds like an old manny, too young to have these worries, I keep telling him please don’t worry about me I am fine, my eldest has already said she ain’t moving out coz she knows how much stuff costs and doesn’t want to spend money 😂 x

Oh me my heart 😩😩😩 bless him. Then there is my oldest he can't wait to go on lads holidays, move out etc. I don't think he will move out anytime soon tho being honest he got it to comfy at him and yes that's all down to me 🤣🙈


Mar 12, 2024
The mess of her daughters room when she claims to be a clean freak ?? Her daughter obviously has no respect like her mink of a mother.
And don't even get me started on killing the spider 😒 I hope she gets infested with flies 😡
Something else. The way she spoke to her too. The s acting…. It’s all too much for a Friday morning like.

I’ve got my sons autism assessment today guys and I’m bricking it. It isn’t as visible in him as it is say max, we have a lot of masking etc so wish us luck 🙈 x
May 24, 2024
The World
Killing animals for content now. Jesus.

And she says she believes in karma 🤣🤣🤣 next joke vav.

Proud to say I don’t like spiders, they are scary but all get rehomed back outside.
They are great for the eco system, they are also great for catching flies in your home. Stick a bloody tub or glass over it and put is outside.
I can’t stand them but I won’t kill them or let anyone else.

My daughter sleeps with her window right open at night. I hugged her one morning in her bed and when I got up there was a spider on my hair. We were both like😦 but more to the point that meant it was lying next to her face before I bent down to hug her 😂😂😂

Shuts her window now.
May 24, 2024
The World
Something else. The way she spoke to her too. The s acting…. It’s all too much for a Friday morning like.

I’ve got my sons autism assessment today guys and I’m bricking it. It isn’t as visible in him as it is say max, we have a lot of masking etc so wish us luck 🙈 x
Good luck my beautiful faceless friend ❤️
You’re are an incredible mum, doing great things for your son ❤️


Mar 12, 2024
Good luck my beautiful faceless friend ❤️
You’re are an incredible mum, doing great things for your son ❤️
Thank you my girl ❤️ ready to fight for my little man make sure he has everything he needs in his life. Not like vav! Still having a wee laugh she said max has aspergers 🤣 max is on the lower side of the spectrum where lots more assistance is needed in every day life. Aspergers is the opposite and what my sons have. (We don’t mind the term but some do)

However if she knew anything at all she would stop using the term because some find it extremely offensive considering hans Asperger was a Nazi doctor and anyone be diagnosed was sent to die in concentration camps.

His work as a doctor is all extremely valid but yeh the history of it all is a little dark. So if you read here you big smelly rat stop using offensive terms. Especially with a platform based on SEN.

Anyway I’m off for most of the day probably girls. Life be living today. Hope I don’t miss anything exciting 🤣🤣🤣


Mar 15, 2024
Lazy t not wanting to put in the work with him so she can keep her benefits, with the right support he could come on leaps and bounds. You can hear him when he’s vocally stimming he is saying words and sounds - he said apple the other day and didn’t even take him on she has no idea how to deal with that child. My eldest was the same and has echolalia and used to copy everything that you said. They are now verbally communicating, holding conversations and going to mainstream school and coping well. It’s been years and years of hard graft put in, but worth every second. That spider video this morning could be one big metaphor for her whole life “im scared of spiders so im not doing it” you’re the mum- as a parent you’re supposed to protect your children and take away the monsters/ spiders / whatever it is that’s bothering them ! It just shows her out to be exactly what she is a big fat narcissist, the way she speaks to Lily I hope she turns around and chins her one day