Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

May 24, 2024
The World
Don’t come for anyone and their behaviour my love. It’s been EATING YOU UP inside you were caught for your nails so here you come with the opportunity to bite back and tell people they are weird for noticing your nails as a way of relinquishing your part in even painting them. So so predictable staff..
Sad thing is, you will feel like you’re actually the normal one for being able to finally get that out there now 🤣🤣

We may have noticed your nails, but you’ll always be the one who painted over them, Picasso. 😘
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May 24, 2024
The World
Bizarre and childish always aren’t they. I’m convinced she’s got some mental deficits 🤔
There is something not connecting for sure.
I am someone always in black. Black black black. Occasionally (like today) I will add colour or I will wear white, so I could be a little bias when I come to slagging the amount of colours she wears in one go, but what the do is with the amount of colour she wears in one go….?????

The rule is don’t combine more that 3 colours (black and white don’t count), she wears 15..

No sorry, can’t do it. I can’t even have overly colourful nails.


Apr 5, 2024
I just can't with her ! That roaring from M in the background sounds like frustration . How can she stand there and make a vid listening to him doing that and these utter fks of huns think nothing of it ! ( oh he's just stimming ) . I hope they keep a close eye on things when he start's school . Unfortunately that won't be for another 6 wks or so whilst she 's behaving like an arsehole jumping on planes . 🤬 She also need's to grow up , nr 40 and sticking fingers up to people on TT .
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May 17, 2024
Don’t come for anyone and their behaviour my love. It’s been EATING YOU UP inside you were caught for your nails so here you come with the opportunity to bite back and tell people they are weird for noticing your nails as a way of relinquishing your part in even painting them. So so predictable staff..
Sad thing is, you will feel like you’re actually the normal one for being able to finally get that out there now 🤣🤣

We may have noticed your nails, but you’ll always be the one who painted over them, Picasso. 😘
The audacity of the witch telling somebody to get help for behaviour deemed not normal 😂. A typical narc in not seeing that it is her behaviour that’s not normal and her that needs help ! Loon ball


Mar 10, 2024
And yet again focussed on a man and not Max. You are a sad pathetic woman, grow the do up and concentrate on helping your child! If you are winning so much and can waste money on buying fake likes and followers constantly then SPEND that MONEY on different THERAPIES to HELP MAX come on. You will never sustain a relationship with a man ever again, you are incapable, they leave you, you are the problem not them !
Is this another “house day” ??
She’s something else and not in a good way her youngest is going to school and there’s not been one emotional post to say my babies last day at nursery coming up blah blah blah no wee end of yr gift idea content etc, I think that would be more relevant and relatable than her s blush or her greeting over men baiting pish


Apr 25, 2024
Been up for 3 hours and her engagement is dire and that rose in her comments didn’t even get the right day that’s how much advertising it’s had to promote the blush 🤣
It's not yours Stefanny, you've put your name on old product that bperfect need to shift 🤣 , you're getting the commission paid for it as you do the se you punt
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Good morning you beautiful lot! Day off for me today, heading for some bloods taken, nails through in Edinburgh then planting my arse in the garden where it’s to be 23 degrees ☀️ ☀️

Good morning ❤️❤️ that sounds like a lovey day enjoy ☀️☀️ I will be doing the same plonking my arse in the garden. Waking up to the sun shining is the best makes you so much happier ❤️
Mar 19, 2024
Right on cue she’s back being the b she always is . A wee day off for some sympathy ..she probably just ran out of content if you can call it that . Always clap backs ! She’s such a sneaky wee cow , painted the nails on purpose without saying a word knowing fine well she got caught out before . Pretty sure she didn’t clap back then !!
May 24, 2024
The World
The audacity of the witch telling somebody to get help for behaviour deemed not normal 😂. A typical narc in not seeing that it is her behaviour that’s not normal and her that needs help ! Loon ball
Typical narc, projection. Take the focus off them by picking up a small detail about someone else and making it a big detail (in their mind).