Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 9, 2024
Aw shut up Sharon. I was merely stating it to prove I’m not some idiot. U lot are the lowest of the low and know it. Hence the jump to the defence. It was in psychology hence why I see through the lot of u and have sunk to ur level. Got to meet ppl where they are at, u know. What’s urs in art? 🤣
Art????? If you’d seen my attempt at drawing you wouldn’t be saying that. That is really rather amusing. You do seem rather defensive and incapable of holding down a debate. But what’s even funnier Bobby is my PHD is in….. wait for it….. Psychology……. Oh and that’s Dr Sharon to you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. You didn’t fancy progressing beyond honours?????

You really are too funny.
May 24, 2024
The World
It always amazes me that Steph’s huns get upset at us pointing out what Steph has done. Not that Steph has done it.

Bobby not a chance you’ve got a degree in psychology. Your use of language suggests otherwise.
If fact you come across dim and lazy just by your grammar.

You’re here sticking up for someone who has been in contact with another woman’s abuser, justifying her behaviour.
You are not of sound mind.


Mar 11, 2024
‘To hoom it may concern

There is a troll on the internet working for the cooncil, dunno witch one tho or wat the name is but she shouldn’t be workin with kids

Can u find out who it is plz and do sumit about it.

Cheers Bobby (also faceless troll)

Sounds plausible.’
😂😂😂😂😂I’m not even giving the clown the time replying back hahahahaha

Looks like someone else “doesn’t have a life” either eh😂
Mar 10, 2024
United Kingdom
U lot are reaching. This is actually ur life’s 🥴🙈. U actually treat her like Beyoncé. Who in their right mind goes to these lengths over a women from Aberdeen working to support her two children? A bunch of jealous insecure women. Enjoy 😘
The first sentence, where have I heard someone say that phrase many a time 🤔 are we in the presence of the real SteFANNY Mejum Chavron?


Mar 12, 2024
It always amazes me that Steph’s huns get upset at us pointing out what Steph has done. Not that Steph has done it.

Bobby not a chance you’ve got a degree in psychology. Your use of language suggests otherwise.
If fact you come across dim and lazy just by your grammar.

You’re here sticking up for someone who has been in contact with another woman’s abuser, justifying her behaviour.
You are not of sound mind.
Making tik tok thousands and we’re all jealous cos we clean toilets.

The logic 🙈


Mar 11, 2024
It always amazes me that Steph’s huns get upset at us pointing out what Steph has done. Not that Steph has done it.

Bobby not a chance you’ve got a degree in psychology. Your use of language suggests otherwise.
If fact you come across dim and lazy just by your grammar.

You’re here sticking up for someone who has been in contact with another woman’s abuser, justifying her behaviour.
You are not of sound mind.
Also was “pretending to be one of us” at one point to play along but then slates us for it hahahaha. And the information is here for everyone to see, they didn’t need to make a profile for it. You secretly hate vav same as everyone else give over😂💋
Mar 10, 2024
Unites Kingdom
If she was so threatened by an abuser she would not hand her child over. If the abuse was that bad. I’m educated to honours level. There is no legal reason to hand a vulnerable child over to a grandparent. Especially if social services were involved. My point being Steph having a conversation with her is nothing in comparison to handing your child over. U know this anyway but u lot of nutters will grip on to anything. I’m absolutely nothing to do with Steph

Listen head the ball!!!! I am also very well educated with degrees and all I’m saying is that until you’ve been there you don’t fing know anything. And as for social workers well having had experience of them on a professional and personal level during childhood they wouldn’t know their fing arses from their elbows half the time. It’s like Stockholm syndrome. Steph is a devious fat trollop who knew EXACTLY what upset she would cause. What she’s done is tantamount to having a cup of tea with the local pedo!!!!! She’s clearly been dragged up and I couldn’t give a do who you are either.
May 24, 2024
The World
Also was “pretending to be one of us” at one point to play along but then slates us for it hahahaha. And the information is here for everyone to see, they didn’t need to make a profile for it. You secretly hate vav same as everyone else give over😂💋
Coming in pretending to be a Vav hater really shows someone’s mental capacity, saying we use fake profiles, we are horrible and have nothing better to do with our day.

While coming on here, with fake profile, having nothing better to do with their day either, being horrible to us.

The mentality of these ‘huns’.

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
Aw shut up Sharon. I was merely stating it to prove I’m not some idiot. U lot are the lowest of the low and know it. Hence the jump to the defence. It was in psychology hence why I see through the lot of u and have sunk to ur level. Got to meet ppl where they are at, u know. What’s urs in art? 🤣
Nobody has jumped to the defence. We’re ripping the piss out of you. Talk about thick 🙄 Talking of sinking to levels, when will the narcissistic psychopath own what she did? That would be never because she’s never taken any responsibility for the despicable things she’s done over the years. Imagine engaging with the abuser of kids then trying to shift it on to the abused as being at fault for what you did. You don’t get much more fkd up in the head than that unless of course you’re a narcissistic psychopath who has empathy for no-one