Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Apr 28, 2024
How tragic to spend another day indoors cleaning obviously max just left to his own devices plus his outdoor climbing frame stuck in the corner that boy does nothing because is mother can’t go out n about plus where was her vlog of the soft play means she never went, what a tragic life she has so lonely speaking to people in her phone.
Cleaning coz we've called her out for the clatty mink she is

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
She’s also 100% said about coming across Petr on the dating app because she knows he’s seeing someone and trying to sabotage. This is her warning away females like she always has done “stay away from my man” clingy attitude she has. Poor Petr is done for, she has shat all over his name and dragged him down into the mud with her. I don’t think they have a great relationship as she thinks they do. It’s in his best interests to keep her thinking that as she is the type to withhold contact as a form of control.
Petr’s alot younger than her and stronger, more able to take care of max needs when he grows older and bigger
Or she‘s happy because she thinks he’s single again. Maybe he is maybe he isn’t but he’s not interested in her that’s for sure
May 30, 2024
Why is she on a dating app if she doesn’t need or want a man? She is so desperate for abit it’s embarrassing. I think the comment above is right that Petr probably has a girlfriend and Steph is stirring the pot that is the why she has that vindictive smirk on her face. Whether he does or not he definitely doesn’t go short in the women department. He’s not my type but he does have the looks, body and a good income which makes him a catch and gives him a choice of slim, younger pretty girls to date. The Lipodaema Queen just can’t compete. Let’s face it all she could manage was Rainbow Rylan and bless him he tried but watching him in his rented council house through the Artex archway making pack lunches with his ‘arferitus’ hands even made my 50+ year old menopausal Fanny shrivel up

Vavs a desperate s pass it on…..


Mar 10, 2024
What the actual do and I wonder if heather westlake will comment as what a cow moaning about Harley building her table I doubt Argos advertise to stand like a big beefy cow on it and a normal spoilt brat response I’ll just buy another one she really is such a narc. And what is so weird about Petr being on a dating app so are you Steph and by local rumours has having more luck than you with the ladies so yeah it’s so weird plus I thought max was a good sleeper have you run out of gummies.
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Jul 4, 2024
What the actual do and I wonder if heather westlake will comment as what a cow moaning about Harley building her table I doubt Argos advertise to stand like a big beefy cow on it and a normal spoilt brat response I’ll just buy another one she really is such a narc. And what is so weird about Petr being on a dating app so are you Steph and by local rumours has having more luck than you with the ladies so yeah it’s so weird plus I thought max was a good sleeper have you run out of gummies.
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Well I hope her son didn’t see this! And then try and copy!!!
Mind you he would have been upstairs entertaining himself while his mother shows tiktok how wild and exciting she can be! Wonder how white she got her whites ? 😂 will she be taking nana out? Ooo for a wee scone and tea! Wild vav just wild content. Get aff the table!
Jul 4, 2024
200 views on her blusher video from 6 hours ago. Shameful 🫣 it is becoming more and more apparent she is buying followers. If everyone did a mass unfollowing these influencers would be fed! Can companies not just got back to regular advertising, nothing worse than seeing 20 of the same people selling the same thing and reading from a script. It’s off putting and wouldn’t make me want to buy it
Hilarious that the 200 followers can’t buy said product 😂 there hasn’t been a surge of sales, so jokes on her and that’s not clever business vav 😆

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
What the actual do and I wonder if heather westlake will comment as what a cow moaning about Harley building her table I doubt Argos advertise to stand like a big beefy cow on it and a normal spoilt brat response I’ll just buy another one she really is such a narc. And what is so weird about Petr being on a dating app so are you Steph and by local rumours has having more luck than you with the ladies so yeah it’s so weird plus I thought max was a good sleeper have you run out of gummies.
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It’s got nothing to do with Harley building it. It’s got eveything to do with her dragging a cheap Argos table from one place to another then jumping on it to shoogle her fat arse in the most embarrassing way. Nothing ever her fault 🙄
Jul 20, 2024
Total narc of a girl. She's saying she's happy because she knows her ex is single n clearly on tinder . Why would u even mention ur ex 🙄 ffs when I was on dating sites I saw a ex he was immediately blocked I didn't gloat about him being on it . She loves causing drama n mentioning him making out he's not found anyone since her 🤣🤣🤣 he's found several ppl since u lard ass . Might get myself on tinder n look for big Pedro myself 🤪 I could be little max next step mummy n get Pedro boy to go for full custody n take miss vavrons only content that makes her money away from her .🤣🤣🤣 however will fatyonce make money then since clearly she has no brain cells in that space radar head of hers to do anything else 🫣

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
Total narc of a girl. She's saying she's happy because she knows her ex is single n clearly on tinder . Why would u even mention ur ex 🙄 ffs when I was on dating sites I saw a ex he was immediately blocked I didn't gloat about him being on it . She loves causing drama n mentioning him making out he's not found anyone since her 🤣🤣🤣 he's found several ppl since u lard ass . Might get myself on tinder n look for big Pedro myself 🤪 I could be little max next step mummy n get Pedro boy to go for full custody n take miss vavrons only content that makes her money away from her .🤣🤣🤣 however will fatyonce make money then since clearly she has no brain cells in that space radar head of hers to do anything else 🫣
Her immature self is probably saying “look we keep matching, we’re meant to be together” Anyone else would have their ex blocked on dating sites, who would want their ex able to see them on these sites 🤷‍♀️