Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Sep 26, 2023
What is she spouting about this morning with her teeth that look like full on falsers now. Make up your mind vav, hating all men attitude yesterday, scrolling on dating apps this morning but back to I don’t need a man and dancing on a table that looks ready to collapse under her. She needs to wash her fing nails too 🤮
I've never seen someone with such dirty nails make me boke 🤢
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Apr 5, 2024
Aw ffs newbie male on the block , Chilled Veteran's comments on her dancing on table vid ..... Maybe been chatting on Tinder , that he's popped up on her page . Remember , Vav quoted the stress levels having an autistic child were that to a frontline soldier ?!! Let's not forget that one , coming from having a family member in the forces I can assure you , you riled a few on that one you utter dick !
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Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
L getting involved in her mums arguments again🤣she must no get any attention off her mum she needs to go arguing with strangers🥱
I see she’s as funny as the rest of the family which isn’t funny at all. Nice parenting, can often be seen screaming “keep my daughter off your social media” but encourages her to be a mouthy cow on social media. Setting her up for life huh? Make that make sense.


Mar 15, 2024
Then she comes back again with this embarrassing quip. Of course you could buy another one because it’s cheap just like everything else in that house including you. A reality show idea, how to devalue the look of a house from the minute you get the keys
She actually thinks it’s a flex that she can replace a cheap arse table. Maybe that’s what you should do then if you’re rolling in the cash!


Mar 15, 2024
Total narc of a girl. She's saying she's happy because she knows her ex is single n clearly on tinder . Why would u even mention ur ex 🙄 ffs when I was on dating sites I saw a ex he was immediately blocked I didn't gloat about him being on it . She loves causing drama n mentioning him making out he's not found anyone since her 🤣🤣🤣 he's found several ppl since u lard ass . Might get myself on tinder n look for big Pedro myself 🤪 I could be little max next step mummy n get Pedro boy to go for full custody n take miss vavrons only content that makes her money away from her .🤣🤣🤣 however will fatyonce make money then since clearly she has no brain cells in that space radar head of hers to do anything else 🫣
Wait until the real Mrs Vavron comes along, she will be old, fat and alone still probably still without curtains and nobody will want her. The guys in her dm’s will mostly be for a laugh. What a way to scare off the decent men though, they will be too scared to send her a message incase their profile is outed on social media!


Apr 28, 2024
Why is she on a dating app if she doesn’t need or want a man? She is so desperate for abit it’s embarrassing. I think the comment above is right that Petr probably has a girlfriend and Steph is stirring the pot that is the why she has that vindictive smirk on her face. Whether he does or not he definitely doesn’t go short in the women department. He’s not my type but he does have the looks, body and a good income which makes him a catch and gives him a choice of slim, younger pretty girls to date. The Lipodaema Queen just can’t compete. Let’s face it all she could manage was Rainbow Rylan and bless him he tried but watching him in his rented council house through the Artex archway making pack lunches with his ‘arferitus’ hands even made my 50+ year old menopausal Fanny shrivel up

Vavs a desperate s pass it on…..
My partner is always like oh god your not on that tattle again but when I read out some of the comments he laughs and laughs and laughs 😆


Mar 15, 2024
Her immature self is probably saying “look we keep matching, we’re meant to be together” Anyone else would have their ex blocked on dating sites, who would want their ex able to see them on these sites 🤷‍♀️
What a cracking relationship they have 🤢 so much so that she tries to cock block Petr at every opportunity. The ladies still want a bit of pedro, the same can’t be said about her skank arse, what man would want to get involved with her and the drama she brings.


Mar 15, 2024
Big Pedro is a good looking guy. Quite the package I would say.

I refuse to believe that he would have much difficulty with finding himself a gorgeous young thing for company.
There are plenty of them in Aberdeen.

He can do WAY, WAY, WAY better than old Beefy Breeks.

Old Vag very obviously still wants to be MRS Vavron. Slipped up there big un!

I really hope that what I read here is true and that he already IS dating a perfect 10.

Imagine having old smelly drawers as an ex wife! How embarrassing for him.
She’s trying to stir the big beefy pot as usual, the man can’t get peace from her. Feel sorry for him, she will be his biggest mistake and regret in life no doubt. At least he got max out of it but what a price to pay having her as your ex wife, taken his name and plastered it all over the internet along with her drama and lies. He’s still young he will be having his fun I’m sure, she can’t leave him alone and when he finally does settle down and marry and move on with his life, add to his family with more kids she will be even worse than she is now!


Apr 28, 2024
What a cracking relationship they have 🤢 so much so that she tries to cock block Petr at every opportunity. The ladies still want a bit of pedro, the same can’t be said about her skank arse, what man would want to get involved with her and the drama she brings.
She is kicking herself about losing him and all the family content she could have filmed with such a good looking guy but that will be the best she'll ever get and I love that for her . I bet she's fuming with that annalivia and her perfect family which vav will never have . Anyone that sees the creepy s she did to half assed hippie will never get involved with her . Suck it up vav


Mar 15, 2024
The alignment of teeth hasn't worked well 🤣🤣
The more time goes on the more you can see how bad they are, proper squint and they’ve just stuck composite bonding on top. They actually looked good when she first had them done but the fud keeps chipping them and doesn’t wear her aligner either I bet, so they’re shifting. It’ll be back to ratatouille before she knows it!


Mar 15, 2024
Lily needs to remind herself of the digital footprint she’s putting out there. They posts are much like stephs old drivel she used to post. People base a lot of opinions on this and let’s be honest people don’t tend to change too much especially if the old behaviours are still enabled.

Lily and Steph should remember that rotten fruit always falls on its own … eventually.
Not a good look for a young woman who is supposedly starting her own business either!