Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

May 24, 2024
The World
I don’t even need to watch her video to know she’s talking pure se. Even just reading the writing on the screen shot above.
Vav you talk utter bollocks. See when I scroll Vavs and Aimee’s main feed, all it is is videos of them in their houses? You boring bastards.
Why on earth you think anyone wants your life and is jealous is mind blowing. You have absolutely no idea who people are or what life they have.
You think because we sit and gossip about you that we must have some sad existence? 🤣
You sit and make tiktoks full of lies, talk about ‘trolls’ constantly and then have a b fest in your comments.

Vav has got the saddest life I’ve ever witnessed. Even with the health battles I face at times, I’d still choose my life over either one of them.

You need psych evaluation Vav.
You exposed your naked child yesterday on the internet, that’s sick babe.
Offered up his naked body to any sick bastard on the internet 🤢 You did that.
If I had to fight you to have your life I’d let you win.

Keep telling yourself how much better you are. You’re the only one who believes it.

I see mad Pam comments on her posts less. I wonder if she’s had her knuckles wrapped considering her job and engaging in online malicious communication.
Wonder how it would go down that a child carers daughter has exposed her child multiple times online. If the daughter can do that, what safeguarding has mad pam been implementing as she grew up?
May 30, 2024
Haha what have I just witnessed this morning 😭😭whiteboard makes a comeback she looks deranged and whoever the friend is let me buy you a drink she is well and truly rattled 🤣🤣 a master you are a clown Steph.
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What or who is she exposing? The only thing she has exposed is her little boy. She always does these type of videos alluding to someone and what is going to happen but nothing ever does happen. Remember the “this kind of content excites me” I’m still waiting on the outcome of that. She has nothing and no one.

We all hate you Big Vav. Take your whiteboard and shove it up your fat arse
May 24, 2024
The World
What or who is she exposing? The only thing she has exposed is her little boy. She always does these type of videos alluding to someone and what is going to happen but nothing ever does happen. Remember the “this kind of content excites me” I’m still waiting on the outcome of that. She has nothing and no one.

We all hate you Big Vav. Take your whiteboard and shove it up your fat arse
Only thing she’s exposing is her horrendous drawing skills too


Mar 10, 2024
What or who is she exposing? The only thing she has exposed is her little boy. She always does these type of videos alluding to someone and what is going to happen but nothing ever does happen. Remember the “this kind of content excites me” I’m still waiting on the outcome of that. She has nothing and no one.

We all hate you Big Vav. Take your whiteboard and shove it up your fat arse
I know making out a friend has stabbed her in the back, which she has done herself Multiple times to get to where she wants to be not nice is it vav but your morning content and the comments from your kind Huns I will wouldn’t swap my life for yours not a chance imagine having nothing going in your life apart from a sty blusher and lies upon lies on the internet. The not had a coffee for a long time you had one last week 🤣


Jul 18, 2024
The thing is Beefy NOBODY wants to be associated with you and your sordid reputation in Aberdeen. Can you blame them? And the problem is , anyone that is stupid enough to get involved with you is expected to dislike the same folk as you or they are an awful person in your eyes. You are mentally deranged it’s showing this morning you look very deranged & like you really need to seek help. If you had a normal family they would advise this too but you come from a family of enablers who created the vile entitled t that you are.


Mar 10, 2024
Wonder if it is about Danielle but to be fair she has put up with a lot of s from Steph over the years and if it is then Danielle has every right to stand up for herself she has a business to run in Aberdeen and she is more of a nicer person than Steph ever is and is doing so well for herself, Steph you will always be a t and folk are fed up sticking up for your fy behaviour.
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May 24, 2024
The World
Rachel sweetie. You’re a grown woman yet look how you talk about made up fabricated people. If this is how you talk about Stephanie’s voices in her head, I’d hate to see you talk about a real person who has wronged you.
You don’t see the hypocrisy in your comments. I’m assuming you prefer to live by two wrongs make a right since you could just not engage, not spew hate for people you don’t know.
I see so much se on tiktok I don’t like, or thinks unfair and I don’t comment. Why would I? I don’t know these people or the in and outs.
You’re so far up Steph’s ring piece you eat when she eats.

Put your hat back on, Lego hair is not the one.
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May 24, 2024
The World
Ok so now 3 videos of the dolls getting their hair done have come up on my FYP. Is he ok? I get it’s cute doing these things for your daughter, and he’s a great dad, but do we need to video this for TT? Is it a “trend”?
I can’t. I’ve only just got moisture back in my body from watching the last one 🤢