Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 10, 2024
Folk asking how it went yesterday but today is his first day she is learnt nothing from the weekend posting her life in real time I hope the school keep an eye on him as what she is doing is beyond disgusting.
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Mar 8, 2024
Haven’t posted much on here, lots to catch up on. Just had to say something about her videos. Her one with her coat on is just awful to watch. You can tell it’s something they never do together. All her videos with him are fake, cus it’s all just for TikTok. She’s holding his wrists swinging him round, not even his hands, and you can see him trying to take his hands away a couple of times. She forces these interactions on him to make her seem like a good mum. Another swinging him around video on her Jarmies, again it’s forced on him and set up. She can’t do these things without filming him. Him sleeping isn’t even safe from her filming. He has no privacy at all.
My heart broke seeing him crying in her video. Why does she have to film it and post it. It’s just so sad for him to have all these moments recorded and posted for strangers to see cus his mum needs the validation and to be told she’s such a good mum. She isn’t. She’s a terrible mum. She’s so selfish. And she absolutely loves herself more than anyone else. She should be ashamed of herself posting these videos

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
I’m diving through tattle as we speak 🙌🏻
The 2 videos involving the dress should be in her timeline. the escalator one I think is after she moved into pip mansion. Video shows her and Rylan driving into the disabled space with right in front of Home Sense in Union Square (without M in the car) Not sure the date of the garden one when she ripped it

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
The 2 videos involving the dress should be in her timeline. the escalator one I think is after she moved into pip mansion. Video shows her and Rylan driving into the disabled space with right in front of Home Sense in Union Square (without M in the car) Not sure the date of the garden one when she ripped it
Oh and Vav I’m not invested in your life, when you do up, you do up real bad and make it so memorable
Mar 27, 2024
Steph has commented and shared this repost from this lady one thing you aren’t saying is you haven’t taken accountability for any of your actions Steph so it’s nothing like what this woman went through maybe address all your wrong doings and the constant lies and making s up to make your life sound interesting and it wouldn’t be happening to you.
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Well, Betts ……. we are obviously wired very differently because:

it is my wholehearted opinion that it’s the other way round and it is now decent, hard-working, morally astute and downright bloody NICE people who are starting to call out these “creators”!
Jul 20, 2024
I can't with her this morning, both of those videos have made me feel so sick & angry for that wee soul. He is clearly anxious & she's carelessly throwing him about the floor then videoing him trying to regulate his emotions???? Disgusting. I could actually greet 🥺
Hes probably crying n upset as she's just picked him up n thrown him about with the wrists n ankles 😔 when he was just wanting to chill n eat his breakfast. Que the crying in car soon for content n sympathy. 🙄
Apr 26, 2024
Steph has commented and shared this repost from this lady one thing you aren’t saying is you haven’t taken accountability for any of your actions Steph so it’s nothing like what this woman went through maybe address all your wrong doings and the constant lies and making s up to make your life sound interesting and it wouldn’t be happening to you.
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I see no trolls on here or TL

I see decent people & parents who are disgusted with you Vav for your behaviour online, the lies and using your poor child for clicks

As you say DO BETTER!
May 24, 2024
The World
For context Vav..

In a relationship, if you as a woman was crying and having a bit of an emotional moment, and a man went out knocking on the neighbours doors and said ‘come and see my wife, she’s crying and an emotional mess’., and everyone came in your home and watched you crying and in a vulnerable position, how would you feel?
What would your response be? I’m assuming along the lines of ‘why would you ask people to watch me cry? It’s so bloody embarrassing, I’m vulnerable and you want people to look at me while I’m having a private moment???’

Yeah. 👍🏽
Mar 11, 2024
For context Vav..

In a relationship, if you as a woman was crying and having a bit of an emotional moment, and a man went out knocking on the neighbours doors and said ‘come and see my wife, she’s crying and an emotional mess’., and everyone came in your home and watched you crying and in a vulnerable position, how would you feel?
What would your response be? I’m assuming along the lines of ‘why would you ask people to watch me cry? It’s so bloody embarrassing, I’m vulnerable and you want people to look at me while I’m having a private moment???’

Yeah. 👍🏽
This 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
Jul 6, 2024
I actually don’t have the words for that video this morning!
She’s a (se) content creator first and being a decent mother is so far down her list of priorities it’s wild! Anybody who thinks that video is showing any sort of awareness needs there heads checked!
As an ASN mother to 2 I would never dream of doing what she does to that little boy! And I’ve stated before she said last week about him having a sore face and his face looks fine, is that now the road she’s going down wishing ill of her child for content!
Since being in contact with HAHM abuser she’s really desperate for that content and you can just see it’s starting to fall apart but I do hope those Huns come over and have a read and to Gillian Sturgeon no wonder you’re sticking up for her, your sister stole money from the Scottish people as did your pal Vav you guys need to stick together!


Mar 12, 2024
I’m outraged. All of her reactions are forced.

You can see max away to pull his hands away as he knows she’s away to grab them!!! If she is willing to show these very subtle interactions I can’t imagine the forcing that goes on behind closed doors.

You over exert everything vav. Trying hard to show you’re a good mum but those with real eyes see you in all your glory.

Those who work in SEN will also see the pulling at his clothes and grabbing by the hands and wrists.

I honestly hope he lamps you when he’s big enough.