Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

May 24, 2024
The World
For a start they wouldn’t phone her🤦‍♀️ its would be social services that would contact her first not the police IF a serious allegation had been made against the safeguarding of a child. Also her saying she knows who it was and there will be repercussions is absolute dogs bollocks cause nobody in their right mind would come online and discuss things that are in the police’s hands cause it will blow the whole case!!!! I can’t believe people still actually believe this woman 🤬🤬
There will be repercussions.. I hope everyone who has had dealings with her keeps that video.
I’d take that as a threat 🙃
Mar 11, 2024
Oh this wouldn’t be Beefy videoing a meltdown would it….. oh wait it is!! You even say in the video it took an hour for him to calm down. But you don’t video his meltdowns do you?????

Another confirmation that petr has interacted. How would she know? Idiot


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Jul 6, 2024
This girl is mentally unwell.

Me me me me me
Will that be like waiting to still hear about why she was getting her “finger prints” done and then she went mental when people then asked and she called them nosy 🤣 - Vav you have nothing!!!!! It’s getting really really fing boring now rinse and repeat Vav rinse and repeat!! 🥱
May 30, 2024
I haven’t caught up I’m a few pages behind so can’t wait to read your responses to this mornings guff, but I’ve just watched the Gwyneth Paltrow speech 😂 DON’T COME FOR MY KIDS 😂 Why Vav? What you going to do about that hunt them down? If the actions of someone being malicious is stopping you showing and making money off your vulnerable son then well done them. Nobody on here has ever come for your son as you put it. We all agree that Maxs safety and privacy is the number one priority. Unfortunately because you don’t care about that as much as we do as strangers he will make an appearance when the shares and likes go down.

Couldn’t stop laughing at the end when the creeping Jesus Tinned Ham Nana made an appearance in the background and was hidden by the vase of flowers on the side 😂
May 24, 2024
The World
Will that be like waiting to still hear about why she was getting her “finger prints” done and then she went mental when people then asked and she called them nosy 🤣 - Vav you have nothing!!!!! It’s getting really really fing boring now rinse and repeat Vav rinse and repeat!! 🥱
She really is the epitome of a narc/gaslighter/sociopath
I say this a lot on Oinking Olga’s page so I will say it here, if you have to scream from the roof tops that you are a fantastic/good mother or a good person then clearly you are not. People should be able to see the good mother/person through their actions not by screeching it to anyone that will listen. 🙄🌵
Mar 8, 2024
I haven’t caught up I’m a few pages behind so can’t wait to read your responses to this mornings guff, but I’ve just watched the Gwyneth Paltrow speech 😂 DON’T COME FOR MY KIDS 😂 Why Vav? What you going to do about that hunt them down? If the actions of someone being malicious is stopping you showing and making money off your vulnerable son then well done them. Nobody on here has ever come for your son as you put it. We all agree that Maxs safety and privacy is the number one priority. Unfortunately because you don’t care about that as much as we do as strangers he will make an appearance when the shares and likes go down.

Couldn’t stop laughing at the end when the creeping Jesus Tinned Ham Nana made an appearance in the background and was hidden by the vase of flowers on the side 😂
I didn’t e en notice the nana hahaha I found it hysterical when she leaned into the camera thinking she’s hard 😂😂😂 cus she’s talking to her phone she’s hard. Wouldn’t be so cocky on real life 😂😂
Mar 8, 2024
I say this a lot on Oinking Olga’s page so I will say it here, if you have to scream from the roof tops that you are a fantastic/good mother or a good person then clearly you are not. People should be able to see the good mother/person through their actions not by screeching it to anyone that will listen. 🙄🌵
Exactly this


May 19, 2024
Within that video she should have told her cult following about the time she falsely accused a man of serious allegations and knows exactly the impact it can cause!
As she says, karma will deal with it.
Or phoning Steven smith and ranting ma’s work to try to get them sacked. She wasn’t worried about their mental health then!!!!


May 19, 2024
Aw stop your pish steph! And on other things that absolutely didn't happen, or she prob phoned them on herself so she has fent. Only twisted bastard is the woman looking back at you in the mirror heavy hole
Yeah i genuinely think there was no phone call. I think she has thought to herself I’ll need to dig deep to try to get myself out of this mess. What can I say that will get the huns onside?!