Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 10, 2024
I don't know how she thought she'd get away with lying about it, someone was always going to find out and spill! Unless part of the 'team' is some crack security ATeam, making sure everyone signs ndas cos she's SO famous! 😂
I thought she had put out a video ages ago all happy that Max had got the place she wanted , had a look but can’t find it, then the narrative seemed to change over the holidays? Maybe she got told she had given too much away that he was going to be staying at same place just in the primary side? Also there was uproar that he had got an ASN school in Aberdeen when she didn’t live in the city 🤷‍♀️


Sep 26, 2023
What is her problem? Nothing for reported her comment went straight on and never got removed. I don’t like it when people start lying about daft stuff like this cos that’s all it takes for her huns. She has got a vendetta against vav 100% no one reported her comment and she didn’t have to appeal it cos 1. It would have went into my filtered which it never. And 2. I wouldn’t have been able to reply back within seconds of her commenting cos it would have said comment unavailable. She’s just making lies up to suit her narrative now and I don’t like that x
Honestly she is seriously losing the plot. She has no doubt went through the most traumatic and horrific time with her brother been murdered. But she is jumping on every band wagon and what she did to chelsea was wrong . She hates vav and says vav trolls her from.faceless accounts abusing her dead bro but never has receipts (I don't like vav at all but I smell crap). Then went on a rant about the two deaths yesterday in Aberdeen not knowing any facts saying she told us all and we are doing nothing and that's why she wants Jamie's law . She needs to come off social media grieve and get support mentally or she is going to have a break down. She has a asn son too.


Mar 8, 2024
Have the stephions been in full force?
Yes like full force deleting most of their comments cos there’s only so many comments that can say. ‘ your jealous’ before it gets repetitive has boiled me though so I’ve done a video reply I’m so angry and now I don’t let anything bother me I re coup and come back but this comment has sent me west and I think it’s because she said I’m not a mother hahaha xxx


Jul 18, 2024
Yes like full force deleting most of their comments cos there’s only so many comments that can say. ‘ your jealous’ before it gets repetitive has boiled me though so I’ve done a video reply I’m so angry and now I don’t let anything bother me I re coup and come back but this comment has sent me west and I think it’s because she said I’m not a mother hahaha xxx
They are a different breed. Totally unhinged.


Apr 5, 2024
I wish I could go outside 😂😂😂 lmaooooo

Exactly , and she's the nerve to go on about bullying when her doberhuns flee to pages with an opinion . That's right an opinion , not bullying . Educate yourself V ! Boils my pish . Not once have I went on her page commenting , being nasty . The vile names on comments that they get away with . Cretins , Bastards , Evil fers ( which she like's on comments ) Show's up their mentality .