Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 10, 2024
She doesn’t feel anyone else how is having 17 people in your house on Christmas Day keeping it normal what a load of bullshit, you haven’t tried max going to Santa you just don’t want to go out about in public that’s the truth it’s pathetic, you don’t do anything with lily either she is more your sister than your daughter and you know it, I relate to other Sen mums a lot more than I do with you their is nothing I would ever do that you recommend as you just use your son’s disabilities for your own gain.


Mar 10, 2024
Here we go again with the showing of the time. She’s a fing melt. Posts the video two hours after she’s up.. why not just wait till later on and make a video. She is so fing negative once max is around. Is so sad to see
I bet his dad does loads of thing of things with him, thank god his school will do something hopefully their is a Santa for the kiddies she really is a disgrace of a parent.
Mar 8, 2024
People ask how do you do it staff? do the do off.. she just moans.. and moans. She doesn’t do anything with him cus he just stays home. She never took him to see Santa. She could take him and see how he gets on. Or let him look at Santa from afar. She does absolutely nothing with her kids. They are always at home. So she needs to delete this video. She is just full of s. Other parents of kids with additional needs take them out even if it’s just for a walk. She does absolutely nothing with max. She’s just awful. That whole video is her pretending to be understanding but it’s not that at all.. it’s a video about her and her only. She’s just so self centred it’s shocking. I’ve really never seen a woman or a mum be this selfish in my life. The more I see of her the more disgusted I am by her


Mar 12, 2024
Has she tried anything new? It’s been a year since last Christmas??? Things can change? Like HAVE YOU TRIED?

No course not, she uses autism as an excuse for things SHE can’t be bothered with. The wrapping of presents is that a big deal? She is the worst wrapper ever she says? Tried it with a glue gun and made a joke of it.

The advent calendar is an excuse for you to to get a kiss for chocolate and max to get emotionally abused.

Irritates me that she says max doesnt doesn’t do/like things she hasn’t fin tried. Like it’s been a YEAR. Try something new. Stop basing what he can’t do on previous years !


Mar 10, 2024
People ask how do you do it staff? do the do off.. she just moans.. and moans. She doesn’t do anything with him cus he just stays home. She never took him to see Santa. She could take him and see how he gets on. Or let him look at Santa from afar. She does absolutely nothing with her kids. They are always at home. So she needs to delete this video. She is just full of s. Other parents of kids with additional needs take them out even if it’s just for a walk. She does absolutely nothing with max. She’s just awful. That whole video is her pretending to be understanding but it’s not that at all.. it’s a video about her and her only. She’s just so self centred it’s shocking. I’ve really never seen a woman or a mum be this selfish in my life. The more I see of her the more disgusted I am by her
She has always been the same for years, mad Pam or nana have taken Lily to things I am surprised Lily lasted that long at ice skating as Steph had to take her early morning so she is totally used to it she just likes to moan, lily stands a chance of having a life very much doubt she will go out in Aberdeen like all the other kids do too much of a gobby Madame to not get her head to play with, but max will have no life he will get bigger and stronger and become a adult one day and he will still be wandering about whichever house he is in probably battering his mother because she was too lazy to teach him because she was too busy on her phone.
Mar 8, 2024
It's honestly so sad how much her mood and demeanour changes around Max. He seems like an adorable child! Why wouldn't you love being around him! She's made me so mad this morning! 😡😡😡😡
The way she stares at the camera is fing unhinged.. she talks about the child like he’s not hers. She makes it sound like he’s such a hindrance to her life. She just wants to be able to look at herself in peace. I cannot stand this t. Each day she makes more videos she reveals just how much of a t she is
Mar 8, 2024
Ohhh she's doing the giveaways and giving away some of her PR stuff too to her followers. Cmon trollees who aren't on the blocked list lets follow her woohoo we might win the Femfrash 🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oh I want a frash fanny! Me please. Yeah yeah yeah. Me. Me. Me. My fanny needs to be frashened up. Im sew gewd staff.. please can I win your give away?!
Mar 8, 2024
She has always been the same for years, mad Pam or nana have taken Lily to things I am surprised Lily lasted that long at ice skating as Steph had to take her early morning so she is totally used to it she just likes to moan, lily stands a chance of having a life very much doubt she will go out in Aberdeen like all the other kids do too much of a gobby Madame to not get her head to play with, but max will have no life he will get bigger and stronger and become a adult one day and he will still be wandering about whichever house he is in probably battering his mother because she was too lazy to teach him because she was too busy on her phone.
Her kids don’t go anywhere. When they have done all she done was moan about max. You would think she was just minding him for someone. She only shows him affection when she’s filming and even then it’s forced on him. I feel so sorry for him. She has a cheek to say she’s positive and her content isn’t negative. It is when max is home. She only makes the videos for the views and sympathy. t thrived off drama, negativity and sympathy. She’s one sad and pathetic t


Aug 16, 2024
She absolutely wouldn’t take max to see Santa someone I know took her daughter to a Sen session to visit Santa she wasn’t sure at first but he was so good with her and she even sat next to him max does do all.
Exactly this. There are so many places now doing Autism and ASN friendly sessions of things now. My kids are 13 and 8 and polar opposites so it's hard sometimes to find a middle ground for them but all you can do is try and yep sometimes it's a massive FAIL, one of them ends up unhappy at some point but they always enjoy some aspect of the day and forget all about the wee or sometimes major blips we may of had.
Mar 8, 2024
Can’t even listen to her give away video.. but I heard her say max has his school concert.. can you imagine her stomping into his school thinking she’s a vip with her maw as her bouncer 😂😂😂😂😂 I would love to work in that school. Can you imagine her sitting there thinking she’s this innnccrrrraaadddddiiibbbbbllleeeee business woman and her eyes darting all around to see who is looking at her.. pouting and using her fingers and hands to talk 😂😂😂😂😂 what a fing plum she is. No feeling sorry for yourself?! You already made a video feeling sorry for yourself you stupid t


Mar 10, 2024
Wow her 2nd morning video a Sen mum but manages to put on make and and so her hair while max gets babysat from his iPad that’s so relatable to other Sen mums 😆 plus mad Pam going with her and Petr too the concert that t has to go everywhere with her poor Petr having to sit with them pair and negative again max wont stay their long, and the poor me giveaway that video this morning was just a me me me I am such a good person but only entry if your poor who does she think she is I would tell her where to stick her voucher the condescending b.