Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 8, 2024
I said , stay off it the day , stay off it the day but nope what in the PIP mansion is going on about Scottish TT and friendships ?! . You are part of Scottish TT you weapon with your honking behaviour ! When I saw Shawbag with his vid yesterday on about a Stephanie until I saw the surname as I quickly skimmed it . I thought it was her , nae luck .
This is horrific


Aug 16, 2024
Her ex husband actually does more than she does he works away and then as soon as he is home he has his son, she has her mad ma and nana to help and be her slave Petr doesn’t get a break after he has worked away beefy is the biggest narcs going.
I know P must be sewwwwww tiyurd all that banging in the shower and then being a hands on dad.


Aug 16, 2024
She is just awful.. after them two videos making people beg her for vouchers and s pr boxes full of stuff she got for free was enough for me.. to then see her moody smack head face this morning cus her son is being loud. She can’t hide it just how much she hates how loud he is.. I cannot believe she has uttered the words she officially needs a night off. He’s just been with his dad and she had 3 nights off. She’s a disgrace. Nothing wrong with wanting a break but she makes him out to be this massive pain in her arse. You wouldn’t think it was her son she was talking about when you hear her say stuff like this.
And your circle is small because you have no mates you nasty t

What exactly was her night away in Essex? It wasn't "work"!! And she slept like a log according to her bestieeee 🤨


Aug 16, 2024
That's twice she's mentioned M having a bang on the head at the school . Be different story if it was when with her .
Hmmm, not sure what protocols are up there. But down here any head injury parents are called straight away, even if kids seem fine parents are notified and given choice to collect child or not. However any open wounds parents are notified and advised to get it checked out.


Oct 2, 2024
Stay in your own lane but interacted with someone’s abuser, stayed in your own lane when you treated a ex friend like a piece of s and she seen through all your bullshit and now commenting on Tik tok which is nothing to do with you, you are a lonely person through your behaviour and you do do all with your children, max off school but away to his dads for a few nights you are doing that boy a disservice but you are never truly happy when you have your children your face when your son is so loud in the background that boy is strapped into his buggy so you can eye do the camera to followers who you get to pay for your lifestyle.
Why are the kids coming after her followers! They should be the only priority! Not way down the list! And no BEEFS it’s not picking! It’s not that you can’t say anything without someone jumping on it! It’s simply you are a t and you show it every single day!
Mar 9, 2024
Maybe you wouldn't be laughing Ailsa , if you knew what that sick bastard done to the dog . Obviously it's been brought to her attention with the name Stephanie on it . Why ask what's going on and then I'll just go about my day minding my own business . Clown . Vav worried as the same name as her's on search . The other seedy side to TT on animals I hate . 🤬
She should of told her it’s nothing to fing laugh at 🤬