I hear ya my daughter and son are polar opposite too. My daughter is delayed and although we got her to the point of being able to do things herself she is easily upset or angry but she is quieter and struggles with the noise of my son.You actually could be describing my daughter there. She is all of those things. She's undiagnosed though. Her and her ASD brother are polar opposites. They clash so much. I was sat watching them opening gifts and the difference between them both. He was so neat and quiet and she was tearing into them all, making a mess and giving a very loud, running commentary on everything. She was delayed in reaching her milestones, didn't speak until she was 3 and now I tell everyone she is still making up for those 3 years . I actually noticed aswell, when she has to sit and wait to do anything ie in school or at her afterschool activities, it's like she vibrates (that's the only way I can describe it) like really having to concentrate on sitting still and waiting.
I find it so lovely that parents like myself are here and to know I'm not alone in the struggles of daily life with two very different neurodivergent children. So if I haven't said it thank you to those of you who have made me feel less alone. I honestly wish I knew who some of you were. Much love to you all