The Dad Challenge Podcast - Josh Barbour

Sir Keir Starmer

New member
May 28, 2024
I can't stand this guy. He's so problematic - misogynistic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, dodgy medical advise and has doxxed people that have a negative opinion about him.

All he does is repeat other information people post about problematic vloggers and next to no research of his own stuff. He said sharia law is common in the UK the other day which isn't true at all.

To top it all he doesn't blur children's faces and uses the content he says is exploitation to also make his own content. How is him using the same children for content any better. It shouldn't come as a suprise as he is a failed family vlogger and after his vloggs didn't take off he started using others vlogs. If he hadn't of failed he 1000% would be doing the same content that he bitches about successful family vlogers doing.


Jun 15, 2024
It shouldn't come as a suprise as he is a failed family vlogger and after his vloggs didn't take off he started using others vlogs. If he hadn't of failed he 1000% would be doing the same content that he bitches about successful family vlogers doing.

I know he used to be a pastor and played in some Christian rock band but I didn't realise he used to do family vlogging. Are there are any of these vlogs still out there you can link to?

I haven't looked at his channel for ages, I used to find his style of presenting pretty irritating. I think the only vlogs I've really watched were the ones he did about The Inghams. Whilst I was glad he was making more people aware of the parents I remember the vlogs were littered with inaccuracies.

Sir Keir Starmer

New member
May 28, 2024
I know he used to be a pastor and played in some Christian rock band but I didn't realise he used to do family vlogging. Are there are any of these vlogs still out there you can link to?

I haven't looked at his channel for ages, I used to find his style of presenting pretty irritating. I think the only vlogs I've really watched were the ones he did about The Inghams. Whilst I was glad he was making more people aware of the parents I remember the vlogs were littered with inaccuracies.
He deleted them all to hide that he was exposing his children just like he deplores others for doing. He only cares about getting views and would be a family vlogger if he hadn't of failed. His videos are reading gossip sites and repeating that but often getting loads wrong and then wants views buy useful idiots posting his videos on tattle and gossipgate.


Jun 15, 2024
From memory he was one of the channels that you'd get a warning for mentioning on Tattle along with Dougal/Raccoon. They were both deemed clout chasers by the mods and they used to crack down on any mentions. I've never heard of gossipgate so I can't comment on what they do/don't allow.

It's not a channel that I'd subscribe to due to the inaccuracies in the vlogs, basically just lazy 'reporting'. Even when he was just copying from other sites he was getting some of the basics wrong.

He's also an irritating t.

Sir Keir Starmer

New member
May 28, 2024
I think the mods cracked down because so many of us complained as DCP would go around making videos on all the popular threads. He added nothing new to people that read the threads and his poorly done videos kept being posted. I wouldn't care if it was just once but people that never read the threads would barge in and post his video even though it had been posted 8 times before. Was real spamy. I think they made an announcement at the time to stop posting which honestly I think is the right thing as they weren't even good videos and kept seeing them again and again. If anyone likes his vids they can subscribe.

Don't know who dougal raccoon is.


Jun 15, 2024
Don't know who dougal raccoon is.

A small channel (10k subs) that comments on family vloggers, mainly the Inghams. They used to post on Tattle but I think they got banned. The Raccoon/The Raccoonx was the name of their channel, someone doxed their real name so they are happy to be known as Dougal. I think their channel may have been called that at one point? Anyway, the channel seems to come and go either due to YT or the channel owner themselves taking it down temporarily. The channel really really gets under the skin of the Ingham parents.

You will sometimes see references to 'the rodent' on the Tattle Ingham threads when referring to his channel.