Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

Mar 9, 2024
How funny! 🤣 where did u get your long satin pillowcase from please?
My travel tip is... take an extension cable so u only need one or 2 adapters.
Also baby wipes in beach bag to wash sun cream hands!
I could never live out of a suitcase. I have a purpose bag for dirty washing. Never mix clean with dirty...not sure why I as I wash it all anyway 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣
I always leave a plastic bag for wet swim wear/towels on a later flight home too! x


Mar 7, 2024
So those pots of “melted ice cream” “custard” “cream” that she was so baffled by, that is the…….milk!! Making it a milk cake, without pouring that on it’s simply cake!! Omg 🙈 but apparently she’s been dying to try it but had no idea what she was buying.
I don’t actually think she bought it. I think it was an “ad” like what Sevda did with the jacket potato. Just by how she started talking about it.
Mar 9, 2024
I ordered it from eBay years ago I only use it for holidays it’s been everywhere with me - my mum was a model back in the day and swore it stopped wrinkles and static in your hair so we had them from being kids and it stuck - my sister still does it too! I always take a small bottle of baby powder to the beach cos it gets all the sand straight off! Look at us - we should do a travel tips pamphlet 🤣
Mar 9, 2024
Haha love it. Good plan! 🤣 sexual blackmail 🤣 I'm ashamed to admit I wud make promises (faux ones) if I cud pick and squeeze his back. He caught on after a while... 😭🤣 and alcohol probably! 🤦‍♀️🤣
Girrrrl that is sick! Pick n squeeze his back😱😱😱😱😱I’m literally laughing out loud at that - my blokes just asked why and I said it’s something noseyneighbour said and he reply’s what you texting loony Laura for ( our nosey neighbours) I’m howling ! I’m done babe - I know I’m crackers but picking n squeezing his back in return for a happy ending - that is just hilarious 😱😱🤣🤣🤣🤣x
Mar 9, 2024
Conversation with my husband who has also been stuck on his phone on some football thing

Him - what you keep laughing at babe ?
Me -this site I’m on - it’s so funny
Him - I’m having a convo bout Everton
( me laughing again)
Him - lets see
Me - show me yours n il show you mine?
(Swap phones)
Me - that’s crap
Him - you win ( laughing at the names) I will never understand women - you lot are savage! Did people actually pick their own names cos that is fing funny - disturbing but funny!
Mar 17, 2024
Good morning Hags.
Sorry I was MIA yesterday I was exhausted travelling back from Wembley both physically and emotionally what a ride 🤣 still not over it. The first thing I said when I woke up was did we really win? Thought I'd dreamt it 🤣🤣 Anyway I'm up and showered at this hour and last few days of packing and cleaning. Get our new keys weds and have to be fully moved by Friday so all go. I'll be checking in on the s show when I can. Have a lovely day all ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 8, 2024
Found a new single mother that exploits her kids, has bad makeup and may eat more takeaway on camera than Catpiss. She may also be filming her TikTok’s on an original iPhone the quality is so bad
@ kals1991
She looks like she needs a wash as well. And her voice is so monotone. Absolutely can’t add another t to the list to watch 😂😂


Mar 16, 2024
Good morning trowls

Welcome to flight URA2WAT

Anxiety bears are located under your seats and a mental health nurse is on call in case you don't know what outfit to wear. Sick bags are in the pockets in front of you as there's a pungent smell in the air.

A large selection of books that you won't read but makes your bag heavier are required to make you look well read.

I'd also like to remind passengers that you are NOT meant to use bum wipes down an airplane toilet.

The annoying whiny noise the whole way there is the sound of influencers in the wild. We can supply earplugs and parachutes in case you need to exit the flight sharpish.

No main meal just a selection of very fattening puddings and cakes. Oh and popcorn 🍿

Y'all will need alcohol from the trolley to get through this one.

Buckle up buttercups, Muchas gracias. Disfruta del espectáculo de mierda.

The Starbar Cabin crew and Captain PlentyOfShhh