Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


May 22, 2024
I am fine angel. Just part of life! That's what I don't get about her. I'm sure many of us on here suffer eith different things and aren't sat crying into the phone.

Wee tip aimless from a real anxiety sufferer. In the morning when you feel like that. Put the coffee down and the pastries, put clothes on, real clothes not that minging nightie and go a fing a walk! Ya know that thing you put one foot in front of the other and inhale some fresh air!!! Best medicine. 👍🏼
Exactly this!

I was feeling pretty rotten after a great weekend (3 days to recover from one night out) but I was in the gym by 7:30, I’ve come home, done 50% of my jobs for today. Now waiting on a couple of deliveries & I’ll shall go out again later for a walk. I could have wallowed but that just makes me feel worse.

She’s never gonna change whilst she’s got all this attention, enabling and TikTok ruling her life
Mar 9, 2024
Just when did all these fing stupid mannerisms and facial expressions start? She didn’t used to do it. It really is like she’s been watching some online drama classes or she’s copying someone she’s seen! She obviously thinks she looks cool or something! I literally could throw her into the middle of next week! Imagine actually talking to the t child and her doing that? Are you ok love ? Want me to ring somebody for you? You having a stroke or is it Tourette’s maybe? Anxiety my bloody arse hole🤬🤬🤬I’m sure she a social experiment or she’s a bloody alien cos she sure isn’t carrying human genes the smelly odd filthy minger. Just who would make a conscious decision to start pulling all these faces - like she’s sat practicing in front of a mirror? Nothing about her is acceptable or normal! Ficking weirdo - n that kid must open her lunch box everyday with such glee at the gastronomical delights and surprises her thoughtful caring mommy has surprised her with - deep joy! - scrub you minge,and your kitchen with the numerous scrub mummy’s you buy but never use, de louse your stinking head, and get out of your stinking hovel! Go for a walk and breathe some clean air in a place that does not involve spending your ill gotten gains on more se and tat! There is only so many fing MINGOS and chavy s trackies a person needs! Stupid cow! And lastly if you drop a fing add now for some miracle period pain relief that cures your hormonal anxiety that is available in you tick tock shop I swear on all that is holly I will be on the next train from Yorkshire to hunt you down in home bargains to slap you with a wet ficking kipper! That’s all - and sorry but she has done me already this morning!


Mar 9, 2024
I am fine angel. Just part of life! That's what I don't get about her. I'm sure many of us on here suffer eith different things and aren't sat crying into the phone.

Wee tip aimless from a real anxiety sufferer. In the morning when you feel like that. Put the coffee down and the pastries, put clothes on, real clothes not that minging nightie and go a fing a walk! Ya know that thing you put one foot in front of the other and inhale some fresh air!!! Best medicine. 👍🏼
You’re so right I’m feeling sorry for myself but I’m getting on with it and keeping busy All without recurring it to the masses! Tbh I feel needy as fuk at the mo, it’s not like me usually

Hope you’re ok sweetie xx


Mar 8, 2024
Yeah they love it 😊 my boy goes in the sea whatever the temp is bloody nutter 🤣🤣
That's amazing and so so clever 😍 my boy is 12 in July but you wouldn't tell 🤣
I always said he needed to be a working dog as just wants to please you and be outdoors all the time. Xx
My girl loves water but past 3 times at the beach as usual running into the sea, developed frozen tail, horrendous pain, so can’t go to the beach any more.Vet said if it was to happen again he’d have to amputate her tail so to keep her away


Mar 16, 2024
All of my professional experience tells me this is fake. She is so fake. I'm waiting for the "you're so real for sharing this" "well done for still showing up" Jesus christ. Get a fing life aimee there's people dying in the world and before you say it's not a competition .. you have a platform you could use for the greater good. You're pathetic.
Mar 8, 2024
I had 3 panic attacks over night due to stress. I never sat and cried into my phone like a soft t while making the wains packed lunch! I got up as normal, and my babies went to school without an inkling I was even struggling, with a promise of an indoor picnic when they get home.

Reality is. We all struggle. That's it. She literally let's that infiltrate into her kids life. Needs a good hard slap! Pop a fing Propranolol like the rest of us and get on with it!!!
Hope you’re feeling better 💐


Mar 9, 2024
You’re so right I’m feeling sorry for myself but I’m getting on with it and keeping busy All without recurring it to the masses! Tbh I feel needy as fuk at the mo, it’s not like me usually

Hope you’re ok sweetie xx
I am absolutely fine. I never let it beat me. Just crack on.
I know it's hard though, but getting up and just setting yourself little tasks helps. Get a good bit of fresh air, some food and loads of water xx


Mar 9, 2024
Where has the over the top fake scouse accent got why is it the timid whisper feel sorry for me voice. She actually knocks me ill. I'm off today so I spent 2 hours on phone to my best friend. She is in Belfast and I'm in Scotland. Definitely lightened my mood and made it a bit better. We have been friends over 20 years. If aimless had real friends instead of talking into a screen to people who wouldn't give a cats cock if she fell off earth tomorrow, she could of done the same this morning

Time 2 Chat

May 18, 2024
United Kingdom
Soooo, there's nothing to clapback to, you've got no interesting content to share, I know, I know, let's do an anxiety tiktok, folk are bound to comment with the standard you're so brave or it's ok not to be ok, guaranteed some engagement.

Just try doing something original love. This is all getting a hit boring now. Hope you're not driving your daughter to school if you're feeling that bad 🤔
yep, yesterday not relatable so let's use anxiety to try and be relatable and up engagement


Feb 28, 2024
Anyone else sceptical that jigsaw posted that video yesterday now all of a sudden her mental healths in the gutter?
She is facing the consequences of her own actions the lying, the drinking, the rubbish diet etc.
And funny how anxiety hasn’t been mentioned for months since the whole dvla thing, she’s been “fine” as she would say.
Now all of a sudden she’s back with the anxiety card, as someone who is crippled by anxiety daily I couldn’t do half the stuff she does!

And she’s got ANOTHER skip ffs
Mar 8, 2024
Over the 🌈
Right who mentioned anxiety and she's latched onto it? Lol
I've had anxiety since I was a child. Not once have I acted like that. She's acting worse aswell than some patients I've treated in crisis who actually are riddled with anxiety and can't function. Just stop it Aimee. Being a wee bit anxious on periods can happen. Actually sent me mad last weekend cause I'd my period and my anxiety was bad, my skin was crawling but I still had to go to work and be in charge of the ward and work night shift which makes it all worse. Must be a sale coming up of some s your wheeling!