Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial

May 30, 2024
Oh don't worry fy bollocks won't miss a filming opportunity
I saw that comment and just thought it’s a typical inappropriate request from someone not in our country, but the response from Aimee is not one of horror that absolutely no I would not film the vigil as it is inappropriate and in extremely bad taste, but rather she doesn’t think anyone will be filming (so presumes she won’t be able too either)

Mar 8, 2024
That video.. she gets worse.. she has been asked to share it on her platform. No you haven’t you lying t. The fact she says about being there for her community is laughable. Then follows it with I still want to show up for you guys. Cus I know you need me and look forward to my posts just shows she has no intentions to not post and is using her delusional fans wanting her to post as an excuse. Aimee you are vile.
Who the fuk has alleged asked her???? The poor families???? I have no words the sick b 😫
May 24, 2024
The World
The olympic committee (who follow her on TikTok) have decided because Aimless is such a star they have created a platinum medal just for her only. She was awarded this last night for winning the 'I'm a big fat whopping t and don't know when to shut my mouth and keep quiet' race. The committee said her lack of respect and common decency overall made her the winner. Scissorhands came in a close second but is happy her daughter is a stunning gorgeous olympic t of the highest order!

Shamey, I'd say go choke on a dick but these days nobody would put one near you, you diseased nasty dirty rotten wanker 🤬
I do love you very much 🤣🤣🤣🤣
May 24, 2024
The World
Are you kidding me?!! What rights do you have in these families worst day?!! Such a horrible news and you are fing talking about YOUR rights?! It should all by about families affected by this horrible incident! And nothing about you !!! 🤬

Very entitled outlook Aimee 5 names!
May 24, 2024
The World
Morning guys, sorry again been away for another little while. These last 2 months have been nothing short of stressful, you know when one thing after another happens and u feel so alone dealing with it all because ur the only one they rely on. Then u read what's happened down in Southport and u just Count ur blessings don't you nothing is as bad as it may seem. Those poor children and families, breaks my heart. I don't even want to imagen what they are going through. Heart renching devastation.
Then u get these absolute nutters! Egotisc, ungenerous, self centered divs! I caught the video and you can tell how unnatural her pitty me voice is, really concentration in not raising her voice, lets look up and down and all around! she looks utterly insane! You can always tell when someone genuinely cares, ur eyes, ur eye contact, ur gestures they are all tell tell signs of deceit! She's an utter fraud and if the tesco situation didn't take her down I don't know what will at this point.
Her huns, where must you be in ur life when u come across the horrible news of what happened and think or wonder if H is safe.. wait il go and run and make a comment on Aimees post telling her how worried I've been about what the actual do darling! Children have lost their lives and ur worried about a clown pratsing about in front of a camera! Insane ! Sorry ladies she makes my blood boil! I've been keeping up with ur comments! You guys had me howling ha what a lovely community has been built here 😊 xxx
I hope you’re ok, and we are never as alone as our inner voice tells us ❤️
Mar 17, 2024
If she fing vlogs it I will hit the fing roof 😡
And I will be there at the vigil, as will several of my friends, because I actually have some, unlike her!
I'm glad someone from here is going.. well not glad. I can't even think straight just woke up don't know how to word it but we trust you will represent all of our heartfelt sadness and prayers ❤️ I hope it's not too difficult for you @Muggle ❤️❤️
Apr 3, 2024
We all know someone like Aimless who has to be chief mourner. If something is going on it will affect her because of x, y or z.
What has happened is truly horrific, I cannot imagine what anyone who this has genuinely affected is going through.
I think Sophiena did it spot on on her video. Not talked about it, just put words up, as she didn't want her children hearing what a vile world we live in. Shame Aimless didn't protect H from the harsh reality, when she didn't really need to know.
Her level of self adoration is completely off the scale. She genuinely thinks her huns would be lost without her. Deluded.