Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


May 22, 2024
If that live don't make her change her eating habits nothing will ,she's dehydrated, her skin is like leather and sweaty, she needs to own it now and stop lying and using filters ,that white outfit needs to go in the skip ...
She’s looked awful on the last few lives and nothing has changed, she’s just got bigger, more greasier and wrinklier.

She’s a mess & she won’t change whilst she’s on that app. It’s controlling her life


Mar 9, 2024
I know we are all twats and funny fs on here but I do not believe any of us are nasty. This thing has no shame and not an ounce of likability or humility- one of those people that if she was drowning she’d find a lifeboat for 2 n chuck her kid in to the sharks so she could be more comfortable 🤣
We aren’t nasty i agree we are just truth tellers, and we talk about her in the way she deserves. You cannot behave in the way she does from the lies, to the neglectful parenting and lack of moral compass (using the death of 3 beautiful kids to boost your engagement as an example) and then think people are going to blow smoke up your arse and pretend all that doesn’t matter. She forgets people are entitled to their opinion and truth matters.
Mar 9, 2024
If I was the brand id be well pissed off she mentioned that comment. How unprofessional. Thing is no one would give a s if she has a belly (or 5 lol) but she fukin filters to fuk and lies so obviously people with comment
The fact that her own mods couldn’t keep up so they had to use the brand ones!?! Surely that says it all ?
Mar 17, 2024
I agree it looks terrible on her ,fitted her when she first had it ,she needs at least 2 sizes bigger now , she could turn her content round ,gym ,healthy eating, house modernized....she's too lazy to change
I can't wait for it to get a bit colder. Really hoping she digs that horrific 'ski' collection back out that hardly touched the sides then 🤣🤣