Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 9, 2024
Her comment section is toxic, a poor woman being jumped on for do all. I’m glad one person is sticking up for her. And Miss Kindness just letting it happen eh 🙄 also see her being snarky in reply back to a poster too, she must have forgot her ‘if you’ve nothing nice to say’ crap already.
Now now. We have only to be kind to princess piglet! Other people's feelings don't matter silly!
Mar 9, 2024
They take your blood, shake it about to get your plasma then put it in your face to regenerate your cells. It's a more complicated than that but it's the easy way to describe it. My skin feels amazing!

vampire facelift (PRP facelift) revitalizes your face without surgery. Providers inject platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with hyaluronic acid filler to contour your face, reduce wrinkles and plump skin. There are minimal side effects like bruising, swelling and tenderness.
Oh wow ! Mind boggling! Bet that costs a week wages? No good for Aimee tho her blood will be 70%proof with bubbles in it ! 🤣


Feb 28, 2024
I’ve never had and will never have a pumpkin spiced latte, it’s reserved for bobble heads like aimless who think they look autumnal in a bobble hat, but really they look like a used jonny.

No offence to any here who partake in it, my judgment was not reserved for my non bobble hatted trolls.
Swaying Teddy Bear GIF by CBeebies HQ
Even has a support bear 🤣🤣🤣🤣