Thissinglemama @thissinglemamaofficial


Mar 9, 2024
I've just had a little dig around the comment the anxiety post is responding too.

The comment was added 5 hrs ago to a post that's 4 days old. Fits in with you mentioning it this morning.
It flashes off screen really quickly too.
The comment was from a faceless profile. I thought faceless profile means you're a troll.
These comments are always from faceless profiles and I think it’s her behind the account. She sees something someone has said on here or TL and needs to respond without admitting she reads both sites. She thinks we are all stupid.
Mar 8, 2024
These comments are always from faceless profiles and I think it’s her behind the account. She sees something someone has said on here or TL and needs to respond without admitting she reads both sites. She thinks we are all stupid.
Same with adverts. Always a comment relating to something she is advertising. Same with sad sack staff. It’s so obvious


Mar 8, 2024
Her selective anxiety absolutely boils my fing piss! I feel so sorry for those who genuinely suffer with anxiety and she switches hers on and off whenever she feels like it. It’s pathetic
I have had only one panic attack in my life, pregnant with my first daughter, got on a crowded bus after work and had no idea what had come over me within minutes and had to get off the bus a bit up the road, walked almost an hour to my parents house which was closer than going to my own house, and didn’t leave for 2 days & couldn’t go to work. Pisses me off that she talks about a panic attack in London but was able to drive home. Biggest liar to walk the blasted planet


Jul 13, 2024
She isn't insinuating a man did something to her as content is she. Evaluating her safety. Stop bread crumbing you disgusting butch and yeet yourself into something fast moving.
I think she’s gonna say something happened to her in the hotel in London! Like someone tried it on in the bar and she had to phone Mummy and Vav to calm her down 😐
Apr 26, 2024
She makes it so clear she reads here and there. She thinks she’s clever but ain’t nothing clever about having a brat of a daughter because she has not been parented correctly. So she can do off if she thinks saying Miss H is a flex 🙄
And her and Vav are so deluded they take the ideas for content from here instead of perhaps doing things better for them and their kids

Because they still think we are all jealous!


Mar 9, 2024
And her and Vav are so deluded they take the ideas for content from here instead of perhaps doing things better for them and their kids

Because they still think we are all jealous!
The jealousy thing is so bizarre, what have any of them got that any of us want. They just hate we see through their bullshit and call them out so have to try find labels for us.
Mar 8, 2024
The jealousy thing is so bizarre, what have any of them got that any of us want. They just hate we see through their bullshit and call them out so have to try find labels for us.
It’s the only thing they can think of to say. Such a simpleton thing to come up. No one is jealous of either of these two fs. Ugly soulless witches


Mar 9, 2024
It’s the only thing they can think of to say. Such a simpleton thing to come up. No one is jealous of either of these two fs. Ugly soulless witches
I can honestly say there is not a thing they have I want. Yes it would be nice to be mortgage free but not to the point I’d be jealous about it. They’ve such inflated egos cos they’ve a few hundred thousand followers on a tinpot app (and most are bought or hate watchers) and if that’s their measure of a life to be envious of then they need help, serious help as that’s absolutely tragic thinking.