Your children will thank you and appreciate you all the more for it and for the things they have and the memories you gave them. So you give yourself a massive pat on the back because you did that!! Harper doesn't even experience real love imo and that's heartbreaking. There's so many wonderful Mum's on here who couldn't live like her even if you could. You all do a wonderful jobI was on my own with my children for well over 10 years .and none of what she does makes her sound like a struggling single parent. I got minimal child support from my ex as he's as tight as arseholes .never brought the kids clothes ,toys ,anything unless it was birthday or Xmas. So it was down to me to work 2 jobs around my children whilst also caring for them and running a house .I never had anywhere near the amount of money she has to waste, but my children every night has a freshly cooked meal. Yes we did occasionally have a takeaway. But guess what aimless unlike you ,you lazy mare we had one once a month as a treat. If children were really lucky it was 2 at a push. Your 'job' isn't hard !!! Filming content isn't hard. I do videos for TT for fun and I don't class them as hard work. You talk out of your not so size 12 backside. Start doing better aimless